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About PortaBilling API
This document provides information for developers who want to interface their applications with PortaBilling via XML and JSON API.
The PortaSIP Media Applications XML and JSON API is described in the PortaSIP Media Applications XML / JSON API Reference Guide.
What is new
PortaBilling allows you to perform operations such as data retrieval or data modification via API using the following Web Application Services: XML (SOAP) and JSON RPC.
Performing operations via the API has several advantages:
It is based on either XML / SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) or JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Web Application Services and HTTPS transport, so is accessible
from any platform or operating system, and all server and client communications are secure.
The business logic embedded in the API provides integrity checks for all data modifications, and can also compile records from several database tables to create a single
customer information retrieval structure.
The PortaBilling® API is accessible to every owner of a virtual environment or to every reseller. Each user's access is automatically limited to his "visible" portion of the available data, e.g. a reseller can only retrieve information about his own sub-customers or their accounts.
The PortaBilling® XML / JSON API allows users to select, update, insert or delete operations on entities such as customers or accounts. Each user has his own login credentials,
and each operation he wishes to perform is analyzed to determine if it is possible with regard to general data integrity (e.g. a new account cannot be created without being assigned
to a customer) as well as the given user’s security permissions (role) (e.g. while it is generally possible to create new accounts, a certain user may be prohibited from doing so).
By default, all API requests that contain attributes with the date and time must be sent within the UTC timezone. The date and time attributes must be in the following format:
date: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
time: 'HH24:MM:SS'
datetime: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MM:SS'
The API returns date and time information in the UTC timezone, respectively. Please note that some methods can receive and return date and time information in timezones
different from the UTC (e.g. UTC+08). In these cases, the attributes of such methods contain the appropriate descriptions.
Connection to the XML / JSON API is provided via HTTPS. Authentication is done using a pair: a user login and either the API access token or the user password for the admin web interface.
Each request to the API should contain the AuthInfoStructure structure as the header attribute.
HeaderRequest structure |
Property |
Type |
Description |
auth_info |
AuthInfoStructure |
The user login for the PortaBilling web interface. |
Note that we strongly recommend using the session_id property (which must be received
during the authorization via the login request) in the AuthInfoStructure structure for all session requests. Otherwise, if you use the login-password or the API access token authentication
pairs for every request, new sessions will be created and cause additional load to the database.
The example below illustrates the login request in JSON format using the cURL command line tool:
curl -d params='{"login":"demo","password":"pAssw0rd"}'
The response returns the session ID value:
XML (SOAP) API has its own advantages and drawbacks as compared with JSON API. Among the benefits are the following:
There is a wide range of reusable software available to programmers to handle XML so they do not have to re-invent code.
XML (SOAP) is more verbose compared with JSON, but because of this, the data encoding result is typically larger than the equivalent encoding in JSON API.
Access to XML API
All SOAP requests to PortaBilling API must be sent to the following URL:
Please replace the with the actual hostname of your PortaBilling web server.
Replace 'port' with the required port. The SOAP interface is available for administrators on port 443, the interface for customers is available on port 8444, the interface for resellers
is available on port 8442 and the interface for accounts is available on port 8445.
Error Handling
SOAP faults are used to carry error information within a SOAP message. If the actual response has a SOAP fault element as the body entry, then an error has occurred. In this case,
any other fields in the response cannot be guaranteed as accurate; only the fault sub-elements should be used to identify an error. Currently, these sub-elements are:
faultcode is intended for use by the client software and provides an algorithmic mechanism for identifying the fault;
faultstring provides a human readable explanation of the fault, and is not intended for algorithmic processing.
As an alternative to XML API, PortaBillling supports JSON API, thus providing your development department with a choice of Web Application Services that can be used.
Among the advantages of JSON API are the following:
Simple data structures that can be easily read and written.
JSON format is faster in parsing and generating data due to simple syntax, thus there is little influence on web server performance.
Supports the same methods as those in the SOAP.
Simplifies the creation of front-end web sites that receive and modify data in PortaBilling with minimum impact on performance.
Access to JSON API
All JSON requests to PortaBilling® API must be sent to the following URL:
Please replace the with the actual hostname of your PortaBilling web server.
Replace 'port' with the required port. The JSON interface is available for administrators on port 443, the interface for customers is available on port 8444,
the interface for resellers is available on port 8442 and the interface for accounts is available on port 8445.
Replace 'service' with the API service that contains the required method (e.g. specify the Account service to manage account information.)
Replace 'method' with the required API method (e.g. specify get_account_info method in order to get an account record from the database.)
Here is an example of the URL to send a POST request to:
Sending an HTTP request
For HTTP requests you must include the following parameters (in JSON format) in the POST request body:
auth_info - The mandatory authentication information (see the Security section).
params - A set of method parameters (in JSON format) that depend on a method structure. Note that method parameters and their structures are the same as those in the SOAP.
The Content-Type header field used with a HTTPS POST request must have one of the following values:
You can run JSON requests in the asynchronous mode so that they are executed in the background. For this, add the aux_info structure as the additional argument into the request.
The structure has the following fields:
async - indicates that the method must be run in the asynchronous mode.
bg_request_id – the ID of the background task started.
dry_run – indicates that the method must be run in the dry run mode (possible values: all, simple).
NOTE: The asyncronous API requests are not processed during the software updrade.
The examples below illustrate sending API requests using the cURL command line tool.
Receive the information about a subscriber:
curl -d auth_info='{"session_id":"527865ee75368ff2d2c4f4881cd2758a"}' -d params='{"i_account":"2194329"}'
Run an API request in the asynchronous mode:
curl -d auth_info='{"session_id":"527865ee75368ff2d2c4f4881cd2758a"}' -d params='{"i_account":"2194329"}' –d aux_info='{"async":"1"}'
Perform advanced customer data search:
You can perform an advanced customer / account data search by using the get_extended_data_list API method.
To make this happen, create a custom JSON request where you specify an object (e.g. Customers or Accounts) and the filters to be used
for data search. A filter can be a property of a different object (e.g. Invoice.invoice_total); several filters can be linked with each other.
The example below illustrates how to filter customers by country and invoice amount: -d auth_info='{"session_id":"527865ee75368ff2d2c4f4881cd2758a"}' -d params='{"data":[{"object":"Customers","fields":["*"]}],"filters":[{"entries":[{"object":"Customers","field":"country","values":["US"]},{"object":"Invoices","field":"amount_paid","values":[50]}]}],"get_total":1,"offset":0,"limit":50}'
Error Handling
If the server returns the '500 Internal Server Error' status code in the HTTP response, then the response body contains a JSON object which includes two elements (keys) that carry
error information:
faultcode, that is intended for use by the client software and provides an algorithmic mechanism for identifying the fault.
faultstring, that provides a human readable explanation of the fault, and is not intended for algorithmic processing.
Backward compatibility policy
The PortaBilling® XML/JSON API is backward compatible. This allows your applications to communicate with new versions of
PortaBilling® with very little reconfiguration.
Some API methods can become obsolete. They are kept for a few MRs and can be deleted once the first LTS release after the one where the method
became obsolete is crossed. For instance, if an API method is found to no longer be useful in MR67, it can be deleted in MR71 onwards.
You can still enable obsolete API methods by adding the [API]AllowObsoleteMethods=1 option for the WebCustom group on the Configuration server.
However, we don’t recommend it since using them alongside the new API logic may result in the incorrect operations of your applications.
Instead, we recommend that you keep your API applications up to date.
Each installation of PortaBilling contains its own set of WSDL documents available for download from the web server from the following URL:
Please replace the with the actual hostname of your PortaBilling web server.
All requests to PortaBilling API are handled via an SSL connection. By default, PortaBilling installations contain a self-signed certificate that provides the means to encrypt data.
However, since the authenticity of this certificate cannot be validated, you may experience some problems when connecting to an SSL site. In this case, it may be necessary to obtain
a certificate from a genuine certificate authority. Another option is to generate your own certificate authority and have certificates deployed to all API clients. However, this goes
beyond the scope of the present document.
PortaBilling API methods
Establishing authenticated session
SOAP URI (namespace):
Authenticated session management
change_password |
The API method enables an API user to change their password (also changes expired passwords) |
Parameters |
SessionChangePasswordRequest |
Return Value |
SessionChangePasswordResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, account, retail customer, cc staff, representative, distributor |
Standalone mode support |
No |
SessionChangePasswordRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
login |
Yes |
string |
No |
The username for the PortaBilling web interface. |
new_password |
Yes |
string |
No |
The new user password for the PortaBilling web interface. |
Max value: 32 |
password |
Yes |
string |
No |
The user password for the PortaBilling web interface. |
Max value: 32 |
SessionChangePasswordResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
string |
No |
1 is case of success, exception error message in case of failure. |
generate_captcha |
Enables an API user to generate a captcha image |
Parameters |
GenerateCaptchaRequest |
Return Value |
GenerateCaptchaResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, account, retail customer, cc staff, representative, distributor |
Standalone mode support |
No |
GenerateCaptchaRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
Does not include any properties |
GenerateCaptchaResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
ca_content |
Yes |
string |
No |
The encoded captcha image. |
ca_token |
Yes |
string |
No |
The captcha token. |
get_session_context |
This method enables an API user to get the euuid for the current session |
Parameters |
GetSessionContextRequest |
Return Value |
GetSessionContextResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, distributor, cc staff, retail customer, account, representative |
Standalone mode support |
No |
GetSessionContextRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
Does not include any properties |
GetSessionContextResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
euuid |
No |
string |
No |
The unique identifier of the environment. |
login |
This method checks the validity of login and password or token and returns the session_id on success. API Fault is thrown on failure |
Parameters |
LoginRequest |
Return Value |
LoginResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, account, retail customer, cc staff, representative, distributor |
Standalone mode support |
No |
LoginRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
ca_code |
No |
string |
No |
The captcha code. |
ca_token |
No |
string |
No |
The captcha token. |
login |
Yes |
string |
No |
User Name, as specified on web interface. |
password |
No |
string |
No |
Password, as specified on web interface. |
token |
No |
string |
No |
The API access token of a user. |
LoginResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
session_id |
Yes |
string |
No |
The unique ID of the newly opened session. |
logout |
This method enables an API user to terminate a session. Call logout() to terminate the session properly |
Parameters |
LogoutRequest |
Return Value |
LogoutResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, account, retail customer, cc staff, representative, distributor |
Standalone mode support |
No |
LogoutRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
session_id |
No |
string |
No |
The ID of a previously opened session. |
LogoutResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
No |
int |
No |
1 for success, 0 for failure. |
ping |
This method checks the validity of a previously opened session and returns the user_id on success. API Fault is thrown on failure |
Parameters |
PingRequest |
Return Value |
PingResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, account, retail customer, cc staff, representative, distributor |
Standalone mode support |
No |
PingRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
session_id |
Yes |
string |
No |
The ID of a previously opened session. |
PingResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
user_id |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of the user currently logged into the specified session. |
reset_password |
This method enables an API user to reset the password (when the user forgets it, for example) and create a new one |
Parameters |
ResetPasswordRequest |
Return Value |
ResetPasswordResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, account, retail customer, cc staff, representative, distributor |
Standalone mode support |
No |
ResetPasswordRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
custom_url |
No |
string |
No |
Optional link to the reset password page (e.g. If not supplied then the default PortaBilling "forgot password" page url will be sent. |
email |
No |
string |
No |
The user email address. |
id |
No |
string |
No |
The reset password ID – A 32- symbol (128-bit) hexadecimal nonce previously sent to an email address as a part of the password reset link (it can be found at the end of the link). |
login |
No |
string |
No |
The user login for the PortaBilling web interface. |
password |
No |
string |
No |
A new password. |
Max value: 32 |
ResetPasswordResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 for success, 0 for failure. |
set_session_context |
This method enables an API user to change the euuid for the current session |
Parameters |
SetSessionContextRequest |
Return Value |
SetSessionContextResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, distributor, cc staff, representative |
Standalone mode support |
No |
SetSessionContextRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
euuid |
No |
string |
No |
The unique identifier of the environment. |
i_customer |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the customer record. |
SetSessionContextResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 for success, 0 for failure. |
Access control tools
SOAP URI (namespace):
Access control management
get_operation_access_id |
This method enables getting access ID for a particular operation. The ID will be sent to the email/mobile of the requestor |
Parameters |
GetOperationAccessIdRequest |
Return Value |
GetOperationAccessIdResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
GetOperationAccessIdRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
operation |
Yes |
string |
No |
A unique operation name that requires an additional ID for access. |
Min value: 1 |
GetOperationAccessIdResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
No |
int |
No |
1 on success. |
Access policy information
SOAP URI (namespace):
Access policy management
add_access_policy |
This method enables an API user to create an access policy using the supplied data |
Parameters |
AddAccessPolicyRequest |
Return Value |
AddAccessPolicyResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller |
Standalone mode support |
No |
AddAccessPolicyRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
access_policy_info |
Yes |
AccessPolicyInfo structure |
No |
The data related to the access policy. |
AddAccessPolicyResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_access_policy |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the access policy. |
DeleteAccessPolicyRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_access_policy |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the access policy. |
DeleteAccessPolicyResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 in case of success, exception error message in case of failure. |
GetAccessPolicyInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
check_usage |
No |
int |
No |
If set to '1', the 'is_used' field will be provided in the response. |
i_access_policy |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the Access Policy. |
with_access_phases |
No |
int |
No |
If set to '1', the list of access_phases will be provided in the response. |
with_attributes |
No |
int |
No |
If set to '1', the list of related service policy attribute values will be provided in the response. |
GetAccessPolicyInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
access_policy_info |
No |
AccessPolicyInfo structure |
No |
Access Policy information. |
GetAccessPolicyListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
check_usage |
No |
int |
No |
If set to '1', the 'is_used' field will be provided for every record in the response. |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Get the total number of retrieved records. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. |
managed_by |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the reseller who owns the access policy. |
name |
No |
string |
No |
The name of the access policy. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. Requires the limit property to be specified in the API request. |
with_access_phases |
No |
int |
No |
If set to '1', the list of 'access_phases' will be provided for every record in the response. |
with_attributes |
No |
int |
No |
If set to '1', the list of related service policy attribute values will be provided for every record in the response. |
GetAccessPolicyListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
access_policy_list |
No |
Array of AccessPolicyInfo structure |
No |
The list of access policy records. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of retrieved records. |
UpdateAccessPolicyRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
access_policy_info |
Yes |
AccessPolicyInfo structure |
No |
The data related to the access policy. |
UpdateAccessPolicyResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_access_policy |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the access policy. |
Access role information
SOAP URI (namespace):
Access role management
AddAccessRoleRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
access_role_info |
Yes |
AccessRoleInfo structure |
No |
The information about the access role. |
AddUpdateAccessRoleResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_role |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The identifier of the access role. |
DeleteAccessRoleRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_role |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The identifier of the access role. |
DeleteAccessRoleResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 for success, exception in case of failure. |
GetAccessRoleInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_role |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The identifier of the access role. |
with_permissions |
No |
int |
No |
Flag that indicates if the access role permissions should be returned. |
with_usage |
No |
int |
No |
Flag that indicates if the access role usage should be returned. |
GetAccessRoleInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
access_role_info |
No |
AccessRoleInfo structure |
No |
Data on the access role. |
GetAccessRoleListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
complex_ordering |
No |
Array of ComplexOrderingInfo structure |
No |
Orders the retrieved access role records by multiple fields. |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Get the total number of the retrieved access roles. |
i_role_type |
No |
int |
No |
The type of the access role. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. |
name |
No |
string |
No |
The name of the access role. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. |
with_usage |
No |
int |
No |
Flag that indicates if the access role usage should be returned. |
GetAccessRoleListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
access_roles |
Yes |
Array of AccessRoleInfo structure |
Yes |
The list of access roles. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of the access roles. |
GetAccessRoleTypeInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_role_type |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the access role type record to be fetched. |
with_metadata |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether to retrieve components tree metadata for the access role type. |
GetAccessRoleTypeInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
access_role_type_info |
No |
AccessRoleTypeInfo structure |
No |
Access role type info. |
GetAccessRoleTypeListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
with_metadata |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether the retrieve components tree metadata for the access role type. |
GetAccessRoleTypeListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
access_role_types |
Yes |
Array of AccessRoleTypeInfo structure |
Yes |
The list of access role types. |
UpdateAccessRoleRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
access_role_info |
Yes |
AccessRoleInfo structure |
No |
The information about the access role. |
Account information
SOAP URI (namespace):
Account management
add_account |
This method allows an API user to create a new account record using the supplied data |
Parameters |
AddAccountRequest |
Return Value |
AddUpdateAccountResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, representative |
Standalone mode support |
No |
AddAccountRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
account_info |
No |
AccountInfo structure |
No |
Note: i_account will be ignored; most fields may be omitted. |
generate_web_password |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether to auto-generate a password to the account self-care interface. Possible values: 1 – Generate a password; 0 – Do not generate a password. |
AddUpdateAccountResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the created/modified account record. |
ChangeAccountPasswordRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
new_password |
Yes |
string |
No |
The new password. |
Max value: 32 Min value: 1 |
old_password |
No |
string |
No |
The old password. |
get_account_info |
This method allows an API user to get an account record from the database. The account must be viewable (owned) by the user making the request |
Parameters |
GetAccountInfoRequest |
Return Value |
GetAccountInfoResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, distributor, account, retail customer, cc staff, representative |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetAccountInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
aux_field_names |
No |
Array of string structure |
No |
Additional field names to fetch. |
batch_name |
No |
string |
No |
Name of batch to which the account belongs. |
Max value: 32 |
control_number |
No |
int |
No |
Sequential number of the account in the batch. This attribute serves to determine what account from the batch you wish to retrieve the information about. Mandatory for the API request with the batch_name property specified. |
Max value: 4294967295 |
detailed_info |
No |
int |
Yes |
Detailed information. |
expand_alias |
No |
int |
No |
For account aliases: indicates whether the information should be retrieved from the alias or from the related master account. |
get_included_services |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether to retrieve the list of services configured for the account. Possible values: 1 – Retreive the list of services; 0 – Do not retrieve the list of services. |
get_service_features |
No |
ArrayOfString |
No |
Specifies which service features to show. |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account. |
Max value: 4294967295 Min value: 1 |
i_batch |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
Refers to batch record to which the account belongs. |
Max value: 4294967295 Min value: 1 |
i_subscriber |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account's subscriber record. Refers to the Subscribers table. |
id |
No |
string |
No |
ID (PIN) of the account on the PortaBilling interface, unique in the environment. |
login |
No |
string |
No |
Account login for the account web self-care interface. The unique in the environment. |
with_customer_info |
No |
int |
No |
If with_customer_info == 1 then return information about customer. |
with_reseller_info |
No |
int |
No |
If with_reseller_info == 1 then return information about reseller. |
without_service_features |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether the information about service features should be included in the response. Note that SOAP requests without information requests about service features are 30% faster, so specify "1" here if you don't need information about service features. |
get_account_list |
This method allows an API user to get the list of account records. The account must be viewable (owned) by the user making the request |
Parameters |
GetAccountListRequest |
Return Value |
GetAccountListResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, representative |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetAccountListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
account_role_list |
No |
Array of AccountRoleInfo structure |
No |
A list of account roles to search for the accounts in. |
Min value: 1 |
batch_name |
No |
string |
No |
The batch name to which the account belongs. |
Max value: 32 |
bill_status |
No |
string |
No |
The billing status of the account to search by. Possible values: O – open; I – inactive; C – terminated. |
billing_model |
No |
int |
No |
The account type. Possible values: -1 – Debit; 0 – Recharge voucher; 1 – Credit. |
Possible values: 0, -1, 4, 1 |
callshop_enabled |
No |
string |
No |
Set this value to filter Accounts whose customers have callshop feature enabled or disabled. Possible values: Y – enabled, N – disabled. |
Possible values: Y, N |
city |
No |
string |
No |
City of account owner's address. |
companyname |
No |
string |
No |
Account owner's company name. |
cont1 |
No |
string |
No |
Main contact person. |
cont2 |
No |
string |
No |
Alternative contact person. |
control_number |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The sequential number of the account in the batch. |
control_number_list |
No |
Array of AccountControlNumberInfo structure |
No |
A list of control numbers to search the account by. |
country |
No |
string |
No |
Country code. |
custom_fields_values |
No |
Array of CustomFieldsValuesInfo structure |
No |
The list of Custom Fields values. |
email |
No |
string |
No |
Account's email address. |
expand_alias |
No |
int |
No |
For account aliases: indicates whether the information should be retrieved from the alias or from the related master account. |
faxnum |
No |
string |
No |
Fax number. |
firstname |
No |
string |
No |
Account owner's first name. |
free_of_extension |
No |
int |
No |
Get only the accounts that aren't assigned to any extension. |
get_not_closed_accounts |
No |
int |
Yes |
Get only accounts with statuses different from "closed". |
get_only_real_accounts |
No |
int |
Yes |
Get only accounts and skip account aliases. |
get_service_features |
No |
ArrayOfString |
No |
Specifies the list of service features to get for each account. |
get_statuses |
No |
int |
No |
Get the statuses of the accounts. |
get_total |
No |
int |
Yes |
Get the total number of the retrieved accounts. |
i_account_balance_control_type |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account's balance control type. |
Possible values: 1, 2, 3 |
i_addon_product |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the record of the addon product that is assigned to the account. |
Max value: 4294967295 Min value: 1 |
i_batch |
No |
unsignedLong |
Yes |
Refers to batch record to which the account belongs. |
Max value: 4294967295 Min value: 1 |
i_customer |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
Refers to the customer record to which the account belongs. |
Max value: 4294967295 Min value: 1 |
i_customer_site |
No |
unsignedLong |
Yes |
The unique ID of the customer site. |
Max value: 4294967295 Min value: 1 |
i_master_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The internal ID of the master account record. |
i_product |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
Refers to the product record which is assigned to the account. |
Max value: 4294967295 Min value: 1 |
id |
No |
string |
No |
Search pattern for account IDs. |
lastname |
No |
string |
No |
Account owner's last name. |
legal_intercept_only |
No |
int |
Yes |
Get only accounts with "Legal Intercept" enabled. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. |
Default value: 50 Max value: 1000 Min value: 1 |
login |
No |
string |
No |
User login for self-care web interface. |
midinit |
No |
string |
No |
Account owner's middle initial(s). |
note |
No |
string |
No |
Short note (description). |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. |
Max value: 4294967295 |
phone1 |
No |
string |
No |
Main phone number. |
phone2 |
No |
string |
No |
Alternative phone number. |
salutation |
No |
string |
No |
Account owner's salutation. |
sip_status |
No |
int |
No |
Indicates whether the account is used by a SIP phone to register with a PortaSIP server: 1 – online (the account is used by a SIP phone to register with a PortaSIP server); 0 – offline. |
Max value: 1 |
state |
No |
string |
No |
Province or state. |
subscriber_email |
No |
string |
No |
Subscriber's email address. |
zip |
No |
string |
No |
Postal (zip) code. |
GetAccountListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
account_list |
No |
Array of AccountInfo structure |
No |
Set of account data records. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of the retrieved accounts. |
GetAccountProvisioningStatusListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account. |
i_group |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the provisioning group. |
move_account |
This method enables an administrator to "move" an account to a different customer. The "movement" is performed in two steps: 1) The clone of the account is created for the appropriate customer; 2) The original account is terminated. If an account has any subscriptions (active and / or not yet active), they "move" together with it. The subscription usage data are preserved. For instance, the clone of the original account will be charged according to the promotional period that was applied before the transfer (e.g. $5 for the 9th subscription period). All subscriptions (both active and not yet active) of the original account are closed. The end date will be the day before the transfer is performed. No fees are applied to the original account (e.g. a cancellation fee). If the account is "moved" when the subscription charges in advance have already been applied, then a refund is issued for the "unused" subscription time (e.g. 15 days) |
Parameters |
MoveAccountRequest |
Return Value |
MoveAccountResponse |
Realm |
administrator |
Standalone mode support |
No |
MoveAccountRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
batch_name |
Yes |
string |
No |
The name of the a batch to put the account into. |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account to be moved. |
i_customer |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the customer to move account to. |
i_product |
No |
unsignedLong |
Yes |
The unique ID of the product. |
i_routing_plan |
No |
unsignedLong |
Yes |
The unique ID of the routing plan. |
i_vd_plan |
No |
unsignedLong |
Yes |
The unique ID of the volume discount plan. |
MoveAccountResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The new unique ID of the account that was moved. |
old_i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The old ID of the account that was moved. |
warnings |
No |
ArrayOfString |
Yes |
Warnings accumulated while moving the account. |
TerminateAccountRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account. |
release_assigned_did |
No |
int |
No |
The flag specifies whether the previously assigned DID number should be released to the pool (true by default). |
Default value: 1 |
TerminateAccountResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 in case of success, 0 in case of failure. |
update_account |
This method enables an API user to update an existing account record using the supplied data. Note that if a user is not allowed to manage (create/read/update/delete access types) some field by an ACL, then the client application must not send this property in the request (Otherwise PortaBilling® will reject the whole request). That is why we recommend you to make sure that your customer portals and other external applications correspond to the ACL configuration in PortaBilling®. Use the get_my_permissions_for_objects method to find out the permissions for every object on the PortaBilling® web interface. |
Parameters |
UpdateAccountRequest |
Return Value |
AddUpdateAccountResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, distributor, retail customer, account, cc staff, representative |
Standalone mode support |
No |
UpdateAccountRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
account_info |
Yes |
AccountInfo structure |
No |
Note: i_account is a mandatory field; only fields requiring modification should be provided. |
release_assigned_did |
No |
int |
No |
The flag specifies whether the previously assigned DID number should be released to the pool (true by default). |
Default value: 1 |
validate_account_info |
This method enables an API user to check if the supplied data can be used to create a new account record or update an existing one. If successful, the completed data is returned. Note that if a user is not allowed to manage (create/read/update/delete access types) some field by an ACL, then the client application must not send this property in the request (Otherwise PortaBilling® will reject the whole request). That is why we recommend you to make sure that your customer portals and other external applications correspond to the ACL configuration in PortaBilling®. Use the get_my_permissions_for_objects method to find out the permissions for every object on the PortaBilling® web interface. |
Parameters |
ValidateAccountInfoRequest |
Return Value |
ValidateAccountInfoResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
ValidateAccountInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
account_info |
No |
AccountInfo structure |
No |
Complete information about an account; note: omit i_account to check if data can be used to create a new account record. |
ValidateAccountInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
account_info |
No |
AccountInfo structure |
No |
Data about an account, see AccountInfo above. |
Account role management
get_role_info |
This method enables an API user to get the information about an account role by i_account_role |
Parameters |
GetAccountRoleInfoRequest |
Return Value |
GetAccountRoleInfoResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, distributor, account, retail customer, cc staff, representative |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetAccountRoleInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account_role |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The identifier of the account role. |
GetAccountRoleInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
role_info |
No |
AccountRoleInfo structure |
No |
Information about an account role info. |
get_role_list |
This method enables an API user to retrieve the information about account roles by their fields |
Parameters |
GetAccountRoleListRequest |
Return Value |
GetAccountRoleListResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, distributor, account, retail customer, cc staff, representative |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetAccountRoleListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Get the total number of the retrieved records. |
i_account_role |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account role type. |
inventory_usage |
No |
string |
No |
Specifies whether to retrieve the inventory for the account role type. |
Possible values: Y, N |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of records to retrieve. |
name |
No |
string |
No |
The name of the account role type. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. Requires the limit property to be specified in the API request. |
realm |
No |
string |
No |
The top realm of the account role type. |
validation_format |
No |
string |
No |
The validation for the ID of the account role type. |
GetAccountRoleListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
role_list |
No |
Array of AccountRoleInfo structure |
Yes |
The list of account roles. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of the retrieved account rules. |
Alias management
AddAccountAliasRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
alias_info |
Yes |
AliasInfo structure |
No |
Alias information. |
AddAccountAliasResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
Yes |
The unique ID of the alias record. |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 for success, 0 for failure. |
DeleteAccountAliasRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
alias_info |
Yes |
AliasInfo structure |
No |
Alias information. |
release_assigned_did |
No |
int |
No |
The flag specifies whether the previously assigned DID number should be released to the pool (true by default). |
Default value: 1 |
DeleteAccountAliasResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 if success, 0 if failure. |
GetAccountAliasListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
blocked |
No |
string |
No |
The filter to search aliases by the 'blocked' field. |
check_did |
No |
int |
No |
Pass this flag to check if the alias has an associated DID number. |
get_total |
No |
int |
Yes |
Get the total number of the retrieved aliases. |
i_account_role |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account role to search aliases by. |
i_master_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
ID of a master account record. |
id |
No |
string |
No |
The pattern to search aliases by the 'id' field. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. |
realm |
No |
string |
No |
The pattern to search aliases by the 'realm' field. |
GetAccountAliasListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
alias_list |
No |
Array of AliasInfo structure |
No |
The list of aliases. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The number of the retrieved aliases. |
UpdateAccountAliasRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
alias_info |
Yes |
AliasInfo structure |
No |
Alias information. |
release_assigned_did |
No |
int |
No |
The flag specifies whether the previously assigned DID number should be released to the pool (true by default). |
Default value: 1 |
UpdateAccountAliasResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 for success, 0 for failure. |
Async API notification management
DisableApiNotificationsAccountRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
event |
Yes |
string |
No |
The event name. |
Possible values: sip.call_control_notifications |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
i_ivr_an |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the IVR access number. |
DisableApiNotificationsAccountResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
A non-zero value means that the operation has been successfully completed. |
EnableApiNotificationsAccountRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
event |
Yes |
string |
No |
The event name. |
Possible values: sip.call_control_notifications |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
i_ivr_an |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the IVR access number. |
EnableApiNotificationsAccountResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
A non-zero value means that the operation has been successfully completed. |
Auto-payment management
AddUpdateAutoPaymentInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
auto_payment_info |
Yes |
AutoPaymentInfo structure |
No |
Auto-payment data. |
AddUpdateAutoPaymentInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_object |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of either an account or a customer. |
delete_auto_payment |
This method enables an API user to delete an account's automated periodic payment |
Parameters |
DeleteAutoPaymentRequest |
Return Value |
DeleteAutoPaymentResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
DeleteAutoPaymentRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_object |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of an account or a customer. Not mandatory when the method that requires this structure is executed from the retail customer realm. |
DeleteAutoPaymentResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 for success, 0 for failure. |
get_auto_payment_info |
This method enables an API user to get an account’s automated periodic payment record |
Parameters |
GetAutoPaymentInfoRequest |
Return Value |
GetAutoPaymentInfoResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetAutoPaymentInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_object |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of an account or a customer. Not mandatory when the method that requires this structure is executed from the retail customer realm or the account realms. |
GetAutoPaymentInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
auto_payment_info |
Yes |
AutoPaymentInfo structure |
Yes |
Auto-payment data. |
Batch management
GenerateAccountsRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
activation_date |
No |
date |
No |
The date when the account becomes usable. |
Default value: current date |
addon_products |
No |
ArrayOfInt |
No |
The list of effective add-on products for the given accounts. |
batch |
Yes |
string |
No |
Name of existing batch or new one. |
Max value: 32 Min value: 1 |
billing_model |
No |
int |
No |
One of the following: -1 – Debit; 0 – Recharge Voucher;1 – Credit . |
Default value: -1 Possible values: -1, 1, 0 |
blocked |
No |
string |
No |
Shows whether account will be blocked after creation; default: N. |
Default value: N Possible values: Y, N |
check_available_dids |
No |
int |
No |
If 'gen_method' is set to 'D' and the field is set to '1', the method will check available numbers and fall with an error if the number of available numbers is less than the value in the 'gen_amount' field. |
credit_limit |
No |
float |
No |
Account's credit limit value. Only for credit accounts; default: 0. |
ecommerce_enabled |
No |
string |
No |
Allow the account's owner to make online payments or set up periodical payments on the account's self-care interface. |
Default value: N Possible values: Y, N |
expiration_date |
No |
date |
Yes |
The date when the account become unusable. |
gen_amount |
No |
int |
No |
Amount of accounts to generate. |
Default value: 1000 Max value: 10000 Min value: 1 |
gen_credentials_method |
No |
string |
No |
Method of login and password generation: empty, auto. |
Default value: auto Possible values: empty, auto |
gen_h323_length |
No |
int |
No |
Length of service password to generate for method auto_digits; default: defined by cfg option Cardissue.NumericH323PasswordLength. |
gen_h323_method |
No |
string |
No |
Method of service password generation: empty, auto, auto_digits. Only for Debit accounts and Recharge vouchers. |
Default value: empty Possible values: empty, auto, auto_digits |
gen_i_do_batch |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
ID of DID owner batch to use DID numbers from. Only for DID Inventory method. |
gen_id_length |
No |
int |
No |
Account ID length. Only for the Random method. |
Default value: 12 Max value: 128 Min value: 4 |
gen_id_prefix |
No |
string |
No |
Account ID prefix. Only for the Random method. |
Max value: 64 |
gen_method |
No |
string |
No |
The accounts generation method: R – Random; S – Sequential; D – DID Inventory. |
Default value: R Possible values: R, S, D |
gen_start_did |
No |
string |
No |
Starting DID number. Only for the DID Inventory method . |
gen_start_id |
No |
string |
No |
Account's start ID. Only for Sequential method. |
i_account_balance_control_type |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the Account_Balance_Control_Types record (the Balance Control field on the PortaBilling web interface). |
i_account_role |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account role; refers to the Account_Roles table. An account role defines what a specific account is designated for (e.g. whether the account represents a phone line or a top-up voucher) and executes account ID validation. Thus, for a phone line, one can only pick a valid phone number as an account ID. |
Default value: 1 |
i_acl |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID for the account's access level; refers to the Access_Levels table. |
i_batch |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the batch to which the account belongs. |
i_customer |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the customer record. |
i_customer_site |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of a customer site record. |
i_distributor |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the distributor. Only for Debit accounts and Recharge vouchers. |
i_product |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the product record. |
i_role |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account's access role; refers to the Roles table. |
i_time_zone |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the time zone record. |
Default value: 370 |
in_date_format |
No |
string |
No |
Input format for date indication. |
Default value: YYYY-MM-DD Max value: 16 |
in_time_format |
No |
string |
No |
Input format for time indication. |
Default value: HH24:MI:SS Max value: 16 |
inactive |
No |
string |
No |
Shows whether account will be inactive after creation. Only for Debit accounts and Recharge vouchers. The default value is: Y. |
Default value: Y Possible values: Y, N |
inactivity_expire_time |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies the number of days the account remains active after its last use or recharge. |
Max value: 65535 Min value: 1 |
language |
No |
string |
No |
The accounts' language. |
Max value: 2 Min value: 2 |
life_time |
No |
int |
Yes |
Accounts will expire on the first usage time + lifetime days. |
Max value: 65535 Min value: 1 |
opening_balance |
No |
float |
No |
The initial balance of the account. |
Default value: 10 Max value: 99999999999.99998 Min value: -9999999999.99999 Precision: 15, Scale: 5 |
out_date_format |
No |
string |
No |
Output format for date indication. |
Default value: YYYY-MM-DD Max value: 16 |
out_date_time_format |
No |
string |
No |
Output format for full date/time indication. |
Default value: YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS Max value: 32 |
out_time_format |
No |
string |
No |
Output format for time indication. |
Default value: HH24:MI:SS Max value: 16 |
service_features |
No |
Array of ServiceFeatureInfo structure |
No |
Contains values for account's service attributes. |
GenerateAccountsResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_batch |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of the batch to which the accounts belong. |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
Returns 1 if an accounts generation procedure was queued. |
GenerateAliasesRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
blocked |
No |
string |
No |
Shows whether the alias will be blocked after creation and using it for the authentication is not possible; default: N. |
Default value: N Possible values: Y, N |
check_available_dids |
No |
int |
No |
If set the method will check all available numbers and terminate with an error if there are less numbers available than the value in the 'gen_amount' field. |
gen_amount |
No |
int |
No |
The number of aliases to generate. |
Default value: 1000 Max value: 10000 Min value: 1 |
gen_i_do_batch |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of DID owner batch to use DID numbers from. |
gen_start_did |
No |
string |
No |
Starting DID number. |
Max value: 32 |
i_account_role |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of the account role. An account role defines what a specific account is designated for (e.g. whether the account represents a phone line or a top-up voucher) and is used for account ID validation. |
Default value: 1 |
i_master_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of the parent account record. |
realm |
No |
string |
No |
An account realm enables administrators to impose a scope of uniqueness for an account ID. |
Max value: 100 |
GenerateAliasesResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
Returns 1 if an aliases generation procedure was queued. |
UpdateAccountsBatchRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
activate |
No |
int |
No |
Indicates that accounts should be activated. Only for debit accounts and vouchers. |
activation_date |
No |
date |
No |
The date from which accounts are usable. |
addon_products |
No |
ArrayOfInt |
No |
The list of effective add-on products for the given accounts. |
batch |
No |
string |
No |
The batch name. |
Max value: 32 Min value: 1 |
blocked |
No |
string |
No |
Indicates whether accounts should be blocked or unblocked. |
Possible values: Y, N |
charge |
No |
float |
No |
The amount to charge accounts. |
Max value: 99999999999.99998 Min value: 0.00001 Precision: 15, Scale: 5 |
control_number |
No |
string |
No |
Comma-separated integer control numbers and/or ranges of integer control numbers. For example: 3,5-9,12. |
Min value: 1 |
credit |
No |
float |
No |
The amount to credit accounts. |
Max value: 99999999999.99998 Min value: 0.00001 Precision: 15, Scale: 5 |
expiration_date |
No |
date |
Yes |
The date from which accounts will become unusable. |
i_batch |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of batch record. |
i_customer_site |
No |
unsignedLong |
Yes |
The unique ID of Customer Site record. |
i_distributor |
No |
unsignedLong |
Yes |
The unique ID of Distributor. |
i_product |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of Product record . |
i_time_zone |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of Time Zone record. |
ivr_language |
No |
string |
Yes |
Preferred IVR language. |
Max value: 5 Min value: 2 |
life_time |
No |
int |
Yes |
Accounts will expire on the first usage time + lifetime days. |
Max value: 65535 Min value: 1 |
reapply_subscriptions |
No |
int |
No |
Product subscriptions will be reapplied for accounts. |
redirect_number |
No |
string |
No |
Associated number. |
Max value: 128 |
terminate |
No |
int |
No |
Indicates that accounts should be terminated. |
unified_messaging |
No |
string |
No |
Enable/disable or set as defined by the product UM service feature. |
Possible values: ~, Y, N |
UpdateAccountsBatchResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
Returns 1 if accounts batch update has been successful. |
Call barring rules management
get_call_barring_options |
This method allows an API user to retrieve all available options for account call barring and check their status |
Parameters |
GetCallBarringOptionsRequest |
Return Value |
GetCallBarringOptionsResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
GetCallBarringOptionsRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
get_effective_values |
No |
int |
No |
Possible values: 1 – Retreive the call barring rules defined at the customer level; 0 – Retreive only those call barring rules that were defined for the account. |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account. |
update_call_barring_options |
This method allows an API user to update options for account call barring, i.e. enable or disable the corresponding items |
Parameters |
UpdateCallBarringOptionsRequest |
Return Value |
UpdateCallBarringOptionsResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
UpdateCallBarringOptionsRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account. |
options |
Yes |
Array of CallBarringRuleInfo structure |
No |
Call barring options. |
UpdateCallBarringOptionsResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 in case of success, 0 in case of failure. |
Call screening management
add_cp_condition |
This method allows an API user to add a call screening condition |
Parameters |
AddCPConditionRequest |
Return Value |
AddCPConditionResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
AddCPConditionRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
cp_condition_info |
Yes |
CPConditionInfo structure |
No |
Call screening condition structure. |
AddCPConditionResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_cp_condition |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the call screening condition record. |
add_cp_rule |
This method allows an API user to create a new call screening rule |
Parameters |
AddCPRuleRequest |
Return Value |
AddCPRuleResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
AddCPRuleRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
cp_rule_info |
Yes |
CPRuleInfo structure |
No |
Call screening rule info structure. Note: i_account is a mandatory field. |
AddCPRuleResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_cp_rule |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the call screening rule record. |
arrange_cp_rules |
This method allows an API user to redefine the order in which call screening rules are applied |
Parameters |
ArrangeCPRulesRequest |
Return Value |
ArrangeCPRulesResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
ArrangeCPRulesRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account. |
rules |
Yes |
Array of unsignedLong structure |
No |
Array of IDs of CPRuleInfo structures. |
ArrangeCPRulesResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
One of the following: 1 – success, 0 – failed. |
delete_cp_condition |
This method enables an API user to delete an existing call screening condition |
Parameters |
DeleteCPConditionRequest |
Return Value |
DeleteCPConditionResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
DeleteCPConditionRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
cp_condition_info |
Yes |
CPConditionInfo structure |
No |
Call screening condition. |
DeleteCPConditionResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
One of the following: 1 – success, 0 – failed. |
delete_cp_rule |
This method allows an API user to delete an existing call screening rule |
Parameters |
DeleteCPRuleRequest |
Return Value |
DeleteCPRuleResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
DeleteCPRuleRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
cp_rule_info |
Yes |
CPRuleInfo structure |
No |
The unique ID of the call screening rule record. |
DeleteCPRuleResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
One of the following: 1 – success, 0 – failed. |
get_cp_condition_info |
This method enables an API user to retrieve the info about a call screening condition |
Parameters |
GetCPConditionInfoRequest |
Return Value |
GetCPConditionInfoResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetCPConditionInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_cp_condition |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the call screening condition record. |
GetCPConditionInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
cp_condition_info |
No |
CPConditionInfo structure |
No |
Call screening condition structure. |
get_cp_condition_list |
This method allows an API user to retrieve the list of call screening conditions defined for a given customer |
Parameters |
GetCPConditionListRequest |
Return Value |
GetCPConditionListResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetCPConditionListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Get the total number of the retrieved call processing rule data records. |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. |
name |
No |
string |
No |
Name pattern of the condition. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. |
type |
No |
string |
Yes |
One of the following: FromNumber, ToNumber, TimeWindow. |
GetCPConditionListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
cp_condition_list |
No |
Array of CPConditionInfo structure |
No |
Array of CPConditionInfo structures. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of the retrieved call processing rule records. |
get_cp_rule_list |
This method allows an API user to retrieve the information about defined call screening rules |
Parameters |
GetCPRuleListRequest |
Return Value |
GetCPRuleListResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetCPRuleListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Get the total number of the retrieved rate data records. |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. |
GetCPRuleListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
cp_rule_list |
No |
Array of CPRuleInfo structure |
No |
Array of CPRuleInfo structures. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of records. |
update_cp_condition |
This method allows an API user to update an existing call screening condition |
Parameters |
UpdateCPConditionRequest |
Return Value |
UpdateCPConditionResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
UpdateCPConditionRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
cp_condition_info |
Yes |
CPConditionInfo structure |
No |
Call screening condition structure. |
UpdateCPConditionResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_cp_condition |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the call screening condition rule. |
update_cp_rule |
This method allows an API user to update an existing call screening rule |
Parameters |
UpdateCPRuleRequest |
Return Value |
UpdateCPRuleResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
UpdateCPRuleRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
cp_rule_info |
Yes |
CPRuleInfo structure |
No |
Call screening rule info structure. Note: i_account will be ignored. |
UpdateCPRuleResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_cp_rule |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the call screening rule record. |
Custom field management
get_custom_fields_schema |
This method allows an API user to get the list of account's custom fields with information about their types and allowed values |
Parameters |
GetAccountCustomFieldsSchemaRequest |
Return Value |
GetAccountCustomFieldsSchemaResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account, distributor, cc staff, representative |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetAccountCustomFieldsSchemaRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. If not provided, the ID of the entity that is logged in will be used. |
GetAccountCustomFieldsSchemaResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
custom_fields |
No |
Array of AccountCustomFieldsInfo structure |
Yes |
The list of Custom Fields with information for the given account. |
GetAccountCustomFieldsValuesRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
GetAccountCustomFieldsValuesResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
custom_fields_values |
No |
Array of CustomFieldsValuesInfo structure |
Yes |
The list of Custom Fields values for the given account. |
UpdateAccountCustomFieldsValuesRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
custom_fields_values |
Yes |
Array of CustomFieldsValuesInfo structure |
Yes |
The list of Custom Fields values for the given account. |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
UpdateAccountCustomFieldsValuesResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
custom_fields_values |
No |
Array of CustomFieldsValuesInfo structure |
Yes |
The list of Custom Fields values for the given account. |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
Yes |
The unique ID of the account record. |
Favourites list management
AddPreferableAccountRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
preferable_account_info |
Yes |
PreferableAccountInfo structure |
No |
Information about a frequently used account. |
AddPreferableAccountResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_preferable_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the frequently used account. |
DeletePreferableAccountRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_preferable_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the frequently used account. |
DeletePreferableAccountResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
No |
int |
No |
One of the following: 1 – success, 0 – failed. |
get_preferable_account |
This method enables an API user to obtain information about the account’s Favourites list record |
Parameters |
GetPreferableAccountRequest |
Return Value |
GetPreferableAccountResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetPreferableAccountRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_preferable_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the frequently used account. |
GetPreferableAccountResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
preferable_account_info |
No |
PreferableAccountInfo structure |
No |
Information about a frequently used account. |
GetPreferableAccountListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Get the total number of the retrieved frequently used accounts. |
group_name |
No |
string |
No |
The name used to group frequently used accounts. |
i_owner_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the owner account for a frequently used account. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. Mandatory for an API request with the offset property specified. |
Max value: 1000 Min value: 1 |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. Requires the limit property to be specified in the API request. |
Max value: 4294967295 |
GetPreferableAccountListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
preferable_account_list |
No |
Array of PreferableAccountInfo structure |
No |
The list of frequently used accounts. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The number of the retrieved frequently used accounts. |
UpdatePreferableAccountRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
preferable_account_info |
Yes |
PreferableAccountInfo structure |
No |
Information about a frequently used account. |
UpdatePreferableAccountResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_preferable_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the frequently used account. |
Follow-me settings management
add_followme_number |
This method allows an API user to add a new follow-me entry (number) associated with an account. If successful, a new ID number is returned. Note: the newly added number becomes the last entry in the list of the account’s follow-me numbers |
Parameters |
AddFollowMeNumberRequest |
Return Value |
AddUpdateFollowMeNumberResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account, representative |
Standalone mode support |
No |
add_followme_number_list |
This method allows an API user to add a list of follow-me entries (numbers) associated with an account |
Parameters |
AddFollowMeNumberListRequest |
Return Value |
AddUpdateFollowMeNumberListResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account, representative |
Standalone mode support |
No |
delete_followme_number |
This method allows an API user to delete an existing follow-me entry (number) associated with the account. It requires an ID number returned, for example, by the add_followme_number method |
Parameters |
DeleteFollowMeNumberRequest |
Return Value |
DeleteFollowMeNumberResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
get_account_followme |
This method retrieves the follow-me settings associated with an account. Follow-me entries (numbers) are returned in the order of their priority |
Parameters |
GetAccountFollowMeRequest |
Return Value |
GetAccountFollowMeResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account, representative |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetAccountFollowMeRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
i_follow_me |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
ID of the Follow_Me record. |
with_period_definition |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
If set, each follow-me number will contain a 'period_definition' field in the response. |
GetAccountFollowMeResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
default_followme_numbers_timeout |
No |
int |
No |
The default number of seconds to wait until a call is answered. |
followme_info |
No |
FollowMeInfo structure |
No |
Follow-me settings associated with the account. |
followme_numbers |
No |
Array of FollowMeNumberInfo structure |
No |
The list of follow-me numbers associated with the account. |
update_account_followme |
This method allows an API user to update the follow-me settings associated with an account. It does not add or update follow-me entries |
Parameters |
UpdateAccountFollowMeRequest |
Return Value |
UpdateAccountFollowMeResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account, representative |
Standalone mode support |
No |
UpdateAccountFollowMeRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
followme_info |
Yes |
FollowMeInfo structure |
No |
Follow-me settings associated with the account. |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
UpdateAccountFollowMeResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_follow_me |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the follow-me database record. |
update_followme_number |
This method allows an API user to update an existing follow-me entry (number) associated with an account. It requires an ID number returned, for example, by the add_followme_number method |
Parameters |
UpdateFollowMeNumberRequest |
Return Value |
AddUpdateFollowMeNumberResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account, representative |
Standalone mode support |
No |
update_followme_number_list |
This method enables an API user to update, add or remove numbers from the list of follow-me entries associated with an account. It requires an ID number to be returned, for example, by the add_followme_number method. For adding new follow-me entries to the list, this method requires specifying such parameters as i_follow_me, name, redirect_number, and active. For removing unnecessary follow-me entries from the list, their IDs must not be included in the request |
Parameters |
UpdateFollowMeNumberListRequest |
Return Value |
AddUpdateFollowMeNumberListResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account, representative |
Standalone mode support |
No |
Fraud condition management
get_account_state |
This method allows an administrator to obtain the current condition applied to the account by the Fraud Prevention feature (e.g. Active, Screened, Quarantined) |
Parameters |
GetAccountStateRequest |
Return Value |
GetAccountStateResponse |
Realm |
administrator |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetAccountStateRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_acc_state_type |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account state type: 1 – voice_fraud_suspicion. This property is mandatory if state_name and service_type are not specified. |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
service_type |
No |
string |
No |
The name of the service type. Possible values: INTERNAL, SESSION, VOICE, DATA, NETACCESS, QUANTITY, WIFI, DIALUP, MSG, CONFERENCE. This property is mandatory if i_acc_state_type is not specified. |
state_name |
No |
string |
No |
The name of the account state type. Possible value: voice_fraud_suspicion. This property is mandatory if i_acc_state_type is not specified. |
GetAccountStateResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
value |
No |
int |
No |
The state of the account. Possible values: 0 – ACTIVE, 1 – SCREENED – Allow calls only via the Screening IVR, 2 – SCREENED – Allow calls only via the Screening IVR. A caller failed to validate that they are an authorized user once, 3 – SCREENED – Allow calls only via the Screening IVR. A caller failed to validate that they are an authorized user twice, 4 – SCREENED – Allow calls only via the Screening IVR. A caller failed to validate that they are an authorized user three times, 5 – QUARANTINED – Disallow all calls. |
set_account_state |
This method allows an administrator to change the account's condition for the Fraud Prevention feature (e.g. Active, Screened, Quarantined) |
Parameters |
SetAccountStateRequest |
Return Value |
SetAccountStateResponse |
Realm |
administrator |
Standalone mode support |
No |
SetAccountStateRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_acc_state_type |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account state type: 1 – voice_fraud_suspicion This property is mandatory if state_name and service_type are not specified. |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
notify_users |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether the state change notification should be triggered for administrators (the notification for customers is always triggered). |
service_type |
No |
string |
No |
The name of the service type. Possible values: INTERNAL, SESSION, VOICE, DATA, NETACCESS, QUANTITY, WIFI, DIALUP, MSG, CONFERENCE. This property is mandatory if i_acc_state_type is not specified. |
state_name |
No |
string |
No |
The name of the account state type. Possible value: voice_fraud_suspicion service_type. This property is mandatory if i_acc_state_type is not specified. |
value |
Yes |
int |
No |
The state of the account. Possible values: 0 – ACTIVE; 1 – SCREENED – Allow calls only via the Screening IVR; 2 – SCREENED – Allow calls only via the Screening IVR. A caller failed to validate that they are an authorized user once; 3 – SCREENED – Allow calls only via the Screening IVR. A caller failed to validate that they are an authorized user twice; 4 – SCREENED – Allow calls only via the Screening IVR. A caller failed to validate that they are an authorized user three times; 5 – QUARANTINED – Disallow all calls. |
Max value: 5 |
SetAccountStateResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
Indicates whether the account's state setting was: 1 – successful, 0 – unsuccessful. |
IP device assigment management
assign_ua |
This method allows an API user to assign a UA to an account |
Parameters |
AssignUARequest |
Return Value |
AssignUAResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller |
Standalone mode support |
No |
AssignUARequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
i_ua |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
ID of UA record. |
port |
No |
int |
No |
UA port used by this account. Note: if the type of UA is PortaPhone, the port field is not mandatory. |
Max value: 32 Min value: 1 |
ports_config_list |
No |
Array of AssignMultiserviceUAPortInfo structure |
No |
List of ports configuration. Only for multiservice devices. Substitutes the 'port' field if passed. |
AssignUAResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
No |
int |
No |
1 in case of success, 0 in case of failure. |
GetAccountUAInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
i_customer |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the customer record. |
GetAccountUAInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
ua_info |
No |
UAInfo structure |
No |
The information about the UA. |
release_ua |
This method allows an API user to release an account's UA |
Parameters |
ReleaseUARequest |
Return Value |
ReleaseUAResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller |
Standalone mode support |
No |
ReleaseUARequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account. |
ReleaseUAResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
No |
int |
No |
1 in case of success, 0 in case of failure. |
Information and statistics management
GetAccountProductInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
GetProductInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
product_info |
Yes |
ProductInfo structure |
Yes |
Complete information about the product. |
GetMemberOfHuntgroupsList |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
GetHGListInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
huntgroup_list |
No |
Array of HGInfo structure |
No |
The list of huntgroups. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
Number of huntgroups. |
GetAccountMOHListInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
GetAccountMOHListInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
moh_list_info |
No |
AccountMOHListInfo structure |
No |
Account MOH List object. |
GetAccountPermittedProxyInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
GetAccountPermittedProxyInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
is_add_new_sip_proxy_allowed |
No |
int |
No |
Indicates whether the adding of a new proxy is allowed. |
permitted_sip_proxies |
No |
Array of PermittedSipProxiesInfo structure |
Yes |
The list of permitted SIP proxies. |
GetAccountSWXDRListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
connect_time_after |
No |
dateTime |
No |
Get xDRs with connect_time after this date. |
connect_time_before |
No |
dateTime |
No |
Get xDRs with connect_time before this date. |
from_date |
Yes |
dateTime |
No |
Get xDRs with bill_time starting from this date. |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Get the total number of the retrieved xDRs. |
Max value: 1 |
history_pattern |
No |
string |
Yes |
Specifies whether to show xDRs with history that matches the pattern. |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. Not mandatory when the method that requires this structure is executed from the account realm. |
i_dest_group |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the destination group. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. Mandatory for an API request with the offset property specified. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. Requires the limit property to be specified in the API request. |
to_date |
Yes |
dateTime |
No |
Get XDRs with bill_time before this date. |
with_aux_xdrs |
No |
int |
No |
Includes the array of auxiliary xDRs to the retrieved XDRs list. |
with_usage |
No |
int |
No |
Includes usage records to the retrieved XDRs list. |
GetAccountSWXDRListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The number of the retrieved xDRs. |
xdr_list |
No |
Array of ServiceWalletXDRInfo structure |
No |
Array of the account service wallet xDRs and taxes. |
GetAccountConsumedServiceRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
from_date |
No |
dateTime |
No |
Get information recorded starting from this date. |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Get the total number of the retrieved services. |
group_by_roaming |
No |
int |
No |
Group xDRs by their roaming status. |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
i_invoice |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
Indicates what xDRs will be shown: nill – Midterm xDRs and out-of-turn xDRs; 0 – Out Of Turn xDRs; Not set – xDRs of all types. |
i_service |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the service record. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. Mandatory for an API request with the offset property specified. |
Default value: 50 |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. Requires the limit property to be specified in the API request. |
show_unsuccessful |
No |
int |
No |
Show records of unsuccessful attempts. |
to_date |
No |
dateTime |
No |
Get information recorded before this date. |
GetAccountConsumedServiceResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
consumed_service_list |
No |
Array of ConsumedServiceInfo structure |
Yes |
The list of ConsumedServices records. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of the retrieved services. |
get_sip_status |
This method allows an API user to check if an account is currently being used by a SIP UA to register with the SIP server and retrieve registration information, such as the user agent’s identification or URI |
Parameters |
GetSipStatusRequest |
Return Value |
GetSipStatusResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetSipStatusRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
GetSipStatusResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
additional_sip_info_list |
No |
Array of SipStatusInfo structure |
No |
Additional information about SIP UA registrations. |
sip_info |
No |
SipStatusInfo structure |
No |
Information about SIP UA registration. |
sip_status |
No |
int |
Yes |
1 - online (account is used by SIP UA to register with the SIP server), 0 - offline. |
get_vd_counter_history_list |
The method enables an API user to retrieve a list of the counter updates |
Parameters |
GetAccountVdCounterHistoryListRequest |
Return Value |
GetAccountVdCounterHistoryListResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetAccountVdCounterHistoryListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Include the total number of records. |
i_avd_counter |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of the Counter record from Account_VD_Counters table. |
i_xdr |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of the XDR record from CDR_Accounts table. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of records to retrieve. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of records to skip at the beginning. |
GetAccountVdCounterHistoryListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of the retrieved records. |
vd_counter_history_list |
No |
Array of AccountVdCounterHistoryInfo structure |
No |
The list of the counter updates. |
GetAccountVdNotificationListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
addon_priority |
No |
int |
No |
The add-on product's precedence level. If there are more than one add-on products assigned to an account they will be sorted according to the specified precedence level. Possible values: 0 – Main product, 10 – Low, 15 – Medium low, 20 – Medium, 25 – Medium high, 30 – High. |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Include the total number of records. |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
i_dest_group |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the destination group to apply the top-up to. |
i_service |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the service record. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of records to retrieve. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of records to skip at the beginning. |
peak_level |
No |
int |
No |
Possible values: 0 – The peak period; 1 – The off-peak period; 2 – The 2nd off-peak period. |
GetAccountVdNotificationListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of the retrieved records. |
vd_notification_list |
No |
Array of AccountVdNotificationInfo structure |
No |
The list of the notifications. |
get_xdr_list |
This method retrieves Account XDR records |
Parameters |
GetAccountXDRListRequest |
Return Value |
GetAccountXDRListResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, account, retail customer, representative |
Standalone mode support |
No |
Attachments |
Type |
Download |
Formats |
csv |
Mandatory |
No |
GetAccountXDRListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
call_id |
No |
string |
No |
The unique identifier of the call. |
call_recording |
No |
int |
No |
Set this flag to filter xDRs by their call recording status. When it's not provided, all xDRs are obtained. |
cld |
No |
string |
No |
Calling line destination. |
cli |
No |
string |
No |
The calling party phone number. |
connect_time_after |
No |
dateTime |
No |
Get xDRs with connect_time after this date. |
connect_time_before |
No |
dateTime |
No |
Get xDRs with connect_time before this date. |
enable_safe_mode |
No |
int |
No |
The flag shows whether to check the amount of data before processing. |
format |
No |
string |
No |
This parameter allows to get xDRs in other formats via SOAP attachment. Currently only the "csv" format is supported. |
from_date |
No |
dateTime |
No |
Get xDRs with bill_time starting from this date. |
get_split_xdrs |
No |
int |
No |
If set, split XDRs will be present in the response. |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Get the total number of the retrieved xDRs. |
h323_conf_id |
No |
string |
No |
The unique identifier of the session. |
history_pattern |
No |
string |
No |
Specifies whether to show xDRs with history that matches the pattern. |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
i_dest_group |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the destination group. |
i_service |
No |
unsignedLong |
Yes |
ID of Service, refer to Services table. |
i_service_type |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
ID of the Service Type that can be used instead of i_service. |
limit |
No |
int |
Yes |
The number of rows to retrieve. |
offset |
No |
int |
Yes |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. |
quality |
No |
string |
No |
The call quality. Possible values: good, fair, poor, unknown. |
Possible values: unknown, poor, fair, good |
roaming |
No |
int |
No |
Set this flag to filter xDRs by their roaming status. When it's not provided, all xDRs are obtained. |
show_unsuccessful |
No |
int |
No |
Show xDRs of unsuccessful attempts. |
to_date |
No |
dateTime |
No |
Get xDRs with bill_time before this date. |
with_cr_download_ids |
No |
int |
No |
If set, then each xDR will contain download ids to the recorded files if any. |
with_netaccess_usage |
No |
int |
No |
If set, then each netaccess xDR will contain 'bytes_downloaded' and 'bytes_uploaded' fields in the response. |
GetAccountXDRListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The number of the retrieved xDRs. |
xdr_list |
No |
Array of AccountXDRInfo structure |
No |
The list of XDRs. |
GetAccountXDRQualityInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
id |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
ID of the XDR record. |
GetAccountXDRQualityInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
quality_info |
No |
XDRQualityMetricInfo structure |
Yes |
The information about XDR quality metrics. |
mark_xdr_out_of_turn |
This method allows an administrator to include a transaction on an out-of-turn invoice to be issued on demand |
Parameters |
MarkXdrOutOfTurnRequest |
Return Value |
MarkXdrOutOfTurnResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller |
Standalone mode support |
No |
MarkXdrOutOfTurnRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_xdr |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the XDR record. |
MarkXdrOutOfTurnResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 for success, 0 for failure. |
Location management
AddAllowedLocationRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
allowed_location_info |
No |
AllowedLocationInfo structure |
No |
Allowed location information. |
AddAllowedLocationResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_a_verified_locations |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of the account's allowed location record. |
DeleteAllowedLocationRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_a_verified_locations |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of the account's allowed location record. |
DeleteAllowedLocationResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
No |
int |
No |
1 in case of success, 0 in case of failure. |
GetAllowedLocationListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Get the total number of the retrieved allowed locations. |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. |
period_from |
No |
dateTime |
No |
The start date and time for the allowed location. |
period_to |
No |
dateTime |
No |
The end date and time for the allowed location. |
verified_by |
No |
string |
No |
The mark the shows whether the record was set by screening or by admin from web. Possible values: A, S. |
GetAllowedLocationListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
allowed_location_list |
No |
Array of AllowedLocationInfo structure |
No |
The list of the account's allowed locations. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The number of the retrieved records. |
GetUsedLocationListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Get the total number of the retrieved used locations. |
group_by_ip |
No |
int |
No |
Group usage locations by their subscriber ip. |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. |
GetUsedLocationListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The number of the retrieved records. |
used_location_list |
No |
Array of UsedLocationInfo structure |
No |
The list of the account's allowed locations. |
UpdateAllowedLocationRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
allowed_location_info |
No |
AllowedLocationInfo structure |
No |
Allowed location information. |
UpdateAllowedLocationResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_a_verified_locations |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of the account's allowed location record. |
Payment and topup management
DeleteAccountPaymentMethodRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
ID of account record. |
DeleteAccountPaymentMethodResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 in case of success, 0 in case of failure. |
estimate_taxes |
TThis method enables an API user to show tax rates or calculate the tax for a list of xDRs. To calculate the tax, the provided xDRs must have charged_amount specified. All other properties are optional. |
Parameters |
AccountEstimateTaxesRequest |
Return Value |
AccountEstimateTaxesResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account, distributor |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
AccountEstimateTaxesRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
calc_taxes |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether to calculate the tax or just show tax rates Possible values: 0 or undefined – return tax rates; 1 – calculate the tax for the provided xDRs. |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
issue_date |
No |
dateTime |
No |
The date when transactions took place (xDRs were created). It is used only for the EZtax (formerly known as BillSoft EZtax) plug-in. The default value is 'now'. |
use_xdrs_from_db_up_to_date |
No |
dateTime |
No |
Get transactions (xDRs) from the database instead of xdr_list. The transactions for the period starting from the previous bill_to time to the specified time will be taken. Possible values: A specific date and time in the 'YYYYMM-DD HH24:MI:SS' format; 'now'. |
xdr_list |
No |
Array of EstimateTaxesXDRInfo structure |
No |
List of XDRs. |
AccountEstimateTaxesResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
taxes_list |
No |
Array of EstimatedTax structure |
No |
List of the estimated/calculated taxes. |
warnings |
No |
ArrayOfString |
No |
Returns procedure warnings if any. |
GetAccountPaymentMethodInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
empty_if_not_configured |
No |
int |
No |
Set this flag to receive undef value if payment method not configured. When it's not provided error returns. |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account. |
GetAccountPaymentMethodInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
payment_method_info |
No |
AccountPaymentMethodInfo structure |
No |
PaymentMethodInfo object. |
topup_account |
This method allows an API user to top up an account using voucher |
Parameters |
TopupAccountRequest |
Return Value |
TopupAccountResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
TopupAccountRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
account_info |
Yes |
AccountInfo structure |
No |
Data about an account. Note: only i_account is used. |
use_debit_voucher |
No |
int |
Yes |
Specifies whether to use another prepaid card to recharge an account (both accounts must have the same main product assigned). Possible values: 1 – Use prepaid card, 0 – Use voucher. |
voucher_info |
Yes |
VoucherInfo structure |
No |
The information about a voucher. |
TopupAccountResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
amount |
Yes |
float |
No |
Amount by which the account's balance will increase. |
available_funds |
No |
float |
No |
For debit accounts, this is equal to the h323-credit-amount. For credit accounts, this returns the actual amount of available funds (the difference between the credit limit and the current balance with respect to the credit limits for the individual account and customer). This field is not present in the response for accounts with the unlimited available funds. |
balance |
Yes |
float |
No |
The current amount of the account's balance. |
billing_model |
Yes |
string |
No |
Shows the account type. |
breakage |
Yes |
float |
Yes |
The breakage amount of the account's product. |
credit_limit |
Yes |
float |
Yes |
The account's credit limit value. |
currency |
Yes |
string |
No |
Shows the account currency. |
customer_balance |
Yes |
float |
No |
The customer's balance. |
customer_credit_limit |
Yes |
float |
Yes |
The customer's credit limit value. |
update_payment_method |
This method enables an API user to assign a preferred payment method to an account. For online payment methods, all the information required by the payment processor should be provided, and an appropriate payment processor must be set up and properly configured beforehand. Note that the number, name, address, and / or zip fields are not mandatory in the PaymentMethodInfo structure as long as credit card was already set |
Parameters |
UpdateAccountPaymentMethodRequest |
Return Value |
UpdateAccountPaymentMethodResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
UpdateAccountPaymentMethodRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account. |
payment_method_info |
Yes |
AccountPaymentMethodInfo structure |
No |
Data about payment method. |
UpdateAccountPaymentMethodResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_credit_card |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
Yes |
ID of modified payment method record. |
Phonebook management
AddUpdatePhoneBookRecordRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
phonebook_rec_info |
No |
PhoneBookRecInfo structure |
No |
Phonebook record data. |
AddUpdatePhoneBookRecordResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account_phonebook |
No |
unsignedLong |
Yes |
The unique ID of the PhoneBook's record. |
DeletePhoneBookRecordRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account_phonebook |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the Phone book record. |
DeletePhoneBookRecordResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
No |
int |
No |
One of the following: 1 – success, 0 – failed. |
estimate_call_price |
This method allows an API user to see the price for calls to a specific destination (e.g. to a number from a user’s contact list) with applicable volume discounts |
Parameters |
AccountEstimateCallPriceRequest |
Return Value |
AccountEstimateCallPriceResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, distributor, account, retail customer, cc staff |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
AccountEstimateCallPriceRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the owner account. |
number |
Yes |
string |
No |
A number to estimate the call price for. |
Min value: 1 |
rating_context |
No |
string |
No |
An abstract string with rating context information. For example: 'i_service_type=3,i_node=1,accessCode=ANY,selectCode=ANY,oliCode=0'. |
AccountEstimateCallPriceResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
call_price_info |
Yes |
EstimatedCallPriceInfo structure |
No |
The information about the estimated call price. |
get_phonebook_list |
This method allows an API user to obtain the list of the account's Phonebook records |
Parameters |
GetPhoneBookListRequest |
Return Value |
GetPhoneBookListResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetPhoneBookListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Get the total number of Phone book records. |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the owner account. Not mandatory when the method that requires this structure is executed from the account realm. |
limit |
Yes |
int |
No |
Limit of Phonebook records (the maximum quantity of Phonebook records, number of rows to retrieve). |
offset |
Yes |
int |
No |
Starting position for a Phonebook list (number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list). |
phone_number_pattern |
No |
string |
No |
Phone Number Pattern (default is %). |
GetPhoneBookListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
phonebook_rec_list |
No |
Array of PhoneBookRecInfo structure |
No |
The list of Phonebook records. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of Phone book records. |
GetPhoneBookRecordRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account_phonebook |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the Phonebook’s record. |
GetPhoneBookRecordResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
phonebook_rec_info |
No |
PhoneBookRecInfo structure |
Yes |
Phonebook record data. |
SIM card management
assign_sim_card |
This method enables an API user to assign a SIM card from the SIM card inventory to an account |
Parameters |
AssignSIMCardRequest |
Return Value |
AssignSIMCardResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller |
Standalone mode support |
No |
AssignSIMCardRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of the account record. |
i_sim_card |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of the SIM card record. |
AssignSIMCardResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
Returns 1 if the SIM card was assigned to an account. |
release_sim_card |
This method enables an API user to release a previously assigned SIM card from an account |
Parameters |
ReleaseSIMCardRequest |
Return Value |
ReleaseSIMCardResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller |
Standalone mode support |
No |
ReleaseSIMCardRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of the account record. |
ReleaseSIMCardResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
Returns 1 if the SIM card was successfully released. |
Service features management
GetAccountServiceFeaturesRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
GetAccountServiceFeaturesResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
service_features |
No |
Array of ServiceFeatureInfo structure |
Yes |
The list of service features. |
UpdateAccountServiceFeaturesRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
detailed_response |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether a list of Service Features will be returned in the response or not. |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account. |
service_features |
No |
Array of ServiceFeatureInfo structure |
Yes |
The list of service features. |
UpdateAccountServiceFeaturesResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account. |
service_features |
No |
Array of ServiceFeatureInfo structure |
No |
The list of service features. |
Subscription management
activate_subscriptions |
This method allows an API user to instantly activate an accounts's pending subscriptions, where the start date is less than or equal to today's date (in the customer’s time zone). An activation fee will be charged for each subscription, if applicable |
Parameters |
ActivateAccountSubscriptionsRequest |
Return Value |
ActivateAccountSubscriptionsResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller |
Standalone mode support |
No |
ActivateAccountSubscriptionsRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account. |
ActivateAccountSubscriptionsResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 in case of success, 0 in case of failure. |
AddAccountSubscriptionRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account. |
subscription_info |
Yes |
AccountSubscriptionInfo structure |
No |
Note: i_account_subscription will be ignored; i_subscription is a mandatory field, and must be unique among all of the account's pending and active subscriptions. |
AddUpdateAccountSubscriptionResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account_subscription |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the created/modified account subscription record. |
ChargeAccountSubscriptionFeesRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record to be charged. |
immediately_in_advance |
No |
int |
No |
Amount of periods that should be charged in advance. |
Max value: 50 Min value: 1 |
ChargeAccountSubscriptionFeesResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 in case of success, 0 in case of failure. |
close_subscription |
This method allows an API user to close an existing active subscription associated with an account. It requires an ID number returned, for example, by the add_subscription method |
Parameters |
CloseDeleteAccountSubscriptionRequest |
Return Value |
CloseAccountSubscriptionResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller |
Standalone mode support |
No |
CloseDeleteAccountSubscriptionRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account_subscription |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account's subscription record to be closed / deleted. |
CloseAccountSubscriptionResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account_subscription |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account’s subscription record. |
DeleteAccountSubscriptionResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 in case of success, 0 in case of failure. |
GetAccountSubscriptionsRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account. |
update_subscription |
This method allows an API user to update an existing subscription record associated with an account. It requires an ID number returned, for example, by the add_subscription method |
Parameters |
UpdateAccountSubscriptionRequest |
Return Value |
AddUpdateAccountSubscriptionResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
UpdateAccountSubscriptionRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account. |
i_account_subscription |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account subscription record to be updated. |
subscription_info |
Yes |
AccountSubscriptionInfo structure |
No |
Note: i_account_subscripti on and i_subscription will be ignored. |
Transaction management
GetAccountTransactionsTotalInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
billing_model |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies the account type for which to show transactions; one of the following: -1 – Debit account; 1 – Credit account. |
cld |
No |
string |
No |
The called party phone number. |
cli |
No |
string |
No |
The calling party phone number. |
from_date |
Yes |
dateTime |
No |
Get transactions made after this date. |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
i_service |
No |
unsignedLong |
Yes |
The unique ID of the Service record; refers to the Services table. |
show_unsuccessful |
No |
int |
No |
Show the records of unsuccessful attempts. The field applies only to the admin realm. |
to_date |
Yes |
dateTime |
No |
Get transactions made before this date. |
GetAccountTransactionsTotalInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
count |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of transactions. |
iso_4217 |
No |
string |
No |
Transactions currency. |
per_service_info |
No |
Array of AccountPerServiceInfo structure |
Yes |
The list of objects containing information on per-service basis. |
sessions_count |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of sessions. |
total_amount |
No |
float |
No |
Total transactions amount. |
total_info |
No |
Array of TotalTransInfo structure |
No |
The list of per-service total values. |
make_transaction |
This method allows an API user to adjust an account's balance or issue a payment transaction, including e-commerce transactions |
Parameters |
MakeAccountTransactionRequest |
Return Value |
MakeAccountTransactionResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account, cc staff, distributor |
Standalone mode support |
No |
MakeAccountTransactionRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
action |
Yes |
string |
No |
Possible values: Manual Charge, Manual Credit, Manual Payment, Promotional Credit, E-Commerce Payment, E-Commerce Refund, Authorization Only, Capture Payment, Transfer Funds. |
amount |
Yes |
float |
No |
Amount by which the customer's balance will increase / decrease. The number of digits depends on the maximum number of decimal places allowed by the currency. Note: for a manual charge transaction applied to a debit account, the amount must not exceed the account's balance. |
card_info |
No |
AccountPaymentMethodInfo structure |
No |
Payment Method information for this transaction. |
date_inside_billing_period |
No |
date |
No |
A date associated with the manual charge/credit transaction. For example, you can specify a date for a manual credit transaction for when an account was credited. |
datetime_inside_billing_period |
No |
dateTime |
No |
A date and time associated with the manual charge/credit. For example, you can specify a date for manual credit action for when an item is credited. |
enable_balance_fraud_protection |
No |
int |
No |
Indicates whether to perform balance fraud checks to make sure the charged amount never exceeds the available balance. |
h323_conf_id |
No |
string |
No |
Optional unique ID of the transaction generated by an external system. For example, if your external application generates unique IDs for transactions made via API and you want to keep these IDs in PortaBilling, then pass them in this field. |
Max value: 36 |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
i_service |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the Service record; refers to the Services table. |
internal_comment |
No |
string |
No |
An internal comment on this transaction; not visible in the xDR browser, and accessible only directly from the database. |
Max value: 200 |
recipient_id |
No |
int |
No |
The unique ID of the recipient account record for transactions between accounts. |
save_card |
No |
string |
No |
Indicates whether the supplied payment method should be saved as preferred. |
Default value: N Possible values: Y, N |
suppress_notification |
No |
int |
No |
1 - do not send email notifications to the customer, 0 - send the notifications. |
transaction_id |
No |
string |
No |
Applicable to Capture payment and E-Commerce refund transactions. Must contain the ID of a previously issued Authorization only / E-commerce payment transaction. |
Max value: 32 |
visible_comment |
No |
string |
No |
A comment on this transaction visible in the xDR browser. |
MakeAccountTransactionResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
authorization |
No |
string |
No |
E-Commerce authorization code. |
balance |
Yes |
float |
No |
Modified account balance. |
i_payment_transaction |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the transaction. |
i_xdr |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the XDR record. |
result_code |
No |
string |
No |
E-Commerce operation result code. |
transaction_id |
No |
string |
No |
E-Commerce transaction ID. |
AccountRegisterTransactionRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
amount |
Yes |
float |
No |
The amount for payment. |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
Unique ID of the Account for which a transaction will be registered. |
i_payment_method |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
Unique ID of the chosen Payment Method. |
AccountRegisterTransactionResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
transaction |
No |
TransactionInfo structure |
No |
The information about the transaction. |
Volume discount management
GetAccountFullVDCounterListInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. Not mandatory when the method that requires this structure is executed from the account realm. |
separate_units |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether to provide threshold values and discount amount units (e.g., minutes) in a separate field. |
with_discount_info |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether to provide the discount information of a counter. |
with_service_pool_info |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether to provide service pool information of counter. |
GetFullVDCounterListInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
counter_list |
No |
Array of FullCounterInfo structure |
Yes |
Array of full counter objects. |
GetAccountUsedVdDestGroupListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
date_from |
Yes |
dateTime |
No |
The start of the date-time interval to search for the volume discount destination groups. |
date_to |
No |
dateTime |
No |
The end of the date-time interval to search for the volume discount destination groups (leave empty for current date-time). |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the owner account. |
i_service_type |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the service type. |
GetAccountUsedVdDestGroupListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
vd_dest_group_list |
Yes |
Array of VdDestGroupInfo structure |
No |
Array of vd destination groups. |
GetAccountVdCounterInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_avd_counter |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the record. |
GetAccountVdCounterInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
vd_counter_info |
No |
CounterInfo structure |
No |
The information about the account-level counter. |
GetAccountVDCounterListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
detailed_info |
No |
int |
Yes |
Detailed information. |
dg_name |
No |
string |
No |
Destination group name pattern. |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. |
peak_level |
No |
int |
No |
ID of the Peak Level (0 - Peak Period, 1 - Off-Peak Period, 2 - 2nd Off-Peak Period). |
Possible values: 0, 1, 2 |
service_name |
No |
string |
No |
Service name pattern. |
GetAccountVDCounterListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
counter_list |
No |
Array of CounterInfo structure |
Yes |
Array of counter objects. |
vd_topup |
This method allows an administrator to top-up the volume of a service (e.g. free minutes or gigabytes) provided to an end-user (account) with the discount |
Parameters |
AccountVDTopupRequest |
Return Value |
VDTopupResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
AccountVDTopupRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
addon_priority |
No |
int |
No |
The add-on product's precedence level. If there are more than one add-on products assigned to an account they will be sorted according to the specified precedence level. Possible values: 0 – Main product, 10 – Low, 15 – Medium low, 20 – Medium, 25 – Medium high, 30 – High. |
Default value: 255 |
h323_conf_id |
No |
string |
No |
Custom data for third-party application processing. |
Max value: 255 |
i_account |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account record. Not mandatory when the method that requires this structure is executed from the account realm. |
i_dest_group |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the destination group to apply the top-up to. |
i_service |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the service record. |
Min value: 1 |
payment_info |
No |
AccountPaymentInfo structure |
No |
The payment information. |
peak_level |
Yes |
int |
No |
Possible values: 0 – The peak period; 1 – The off-peak period; 2 – The 2nd off-peak period. |
Possible values: 0, 1, 2 |
topup_amount |
Yes |
float |
No |
The top-up amount. |
topup_expires |
No |
dateTime |
No |
A date and time in the UTC format when the topped up volume discount becomes expired (YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS). |
Min value: current date and time |
voucher_info |
No |
VoucherInfo structure |
No |
The information about a voucher. |
VDTopupResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
counter_info |
No |
FullCounterInfo structure |
No |
The volume discount counter. See the FullCounterInfo structure in the Customer Information section. |
ACL system
SOAP URI (namespace):
ACL management
get_acl_list |
This method allows an API user to get the list of ACL |
Parameters |
GetAclListRequest |
Return Value |
GetAclListResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetAclListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
group |
No |
string |
No |
The name of ACL group to search. |
Max value: 32 |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. Mandatory for an API request with the offset property specified. |
name |
No |
string |
No |
Search ACL by name. |
Max value: 64 |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. Requires the limit property to be specified in the API request. |
Max value: 4294967295 |
subsystem |
No |
string |
No |
The name of subsystem ACL belongs to. |
Max value: 32 |
type |
No |
string |
No |
Type of ACL to search. Possible values: Component, User, Customer, CC Staff, Account, Vendor, Representative, Reseller, Distributor. |
Possible values: Component, User, Customer, CC Staff, Account, Vendor, Representative, Reseller, Distributor |
with_i_acl |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
If the entity has customized default ACL (instead of the predefined one), specify the unique ID of this customized default ACL here. Then it will be included to the list. |
GetAclListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
acl_list |
Yes |
Array of AclInfo structure |
No |
The list of ACL records. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of found ACLs. |
get_my_permissions_for_objects |
This method allows an API user to get a list of ACL permissions for specific objects on the PortaBilling web interface |
Parameters |
GetMyAclForObjectsRequest |
Return Value |
GetMyAclForObjectsResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account, cc staff, representative, distributor |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetMyAclForObjectsRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
objects |
Yes |
Array of string structure |
No |
A list of web interface objects for which the ACL permissions will be collected (e.g. selfcare, WebForms, etc.). |
GetMyAclForObjectsResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
access_level |
No |
AccessLevelInfo structure |
No |
The information about the ACL permissions. |
Asynchronous request information
SOAP URI (namespace):
API notification management
disable_api_notifications |
This method enables an API user to disable the receipt of notifications about the status of API requests execution in the asynchronous mode |
Parameters |
DisableAsyncApiNotificationsRequest |
Return Value |
DisableAsyncApiNotificationsResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, distributor, cc staff, representative, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
Mode |
Syncronous only |
DisableAsyncApiNotificationsRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
Does not include any properties |
DisableAsyncApiNotificationsResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
A non-zero value means that the operation has been successful. |
enable_api_notifications |
This method enables an API user to receive notifications about the status of API requests execution in the asynchronous mode |
Parameters |
EnableAsyncApiNotificationsRequest |
Return Value |
EnableAsyncApiNotificationsResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, distributor, cc staff, representative, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
Mode |
Syncronous only |
EnableAsyncApiNotificationsRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
Does not include any properties |
EnableAsyncApiNotificationsResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
A non-zero value means that the operation has been successful. |
Asynchronous request management
DeleteAsyncRequestListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
request_list |
Yes |
Array of AsyncRequestInfo structure |
No |
The set of async request records. |
Min value: 1 |
DeleteAsyncRequestListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
A non-zero value means that the operation has been successful. |
get_request_info |
This method enables an API user to check the status of the JSON request being executed in the asynchronous mode |
Parameters |
GetAsyncRequestInfoRequest |
Return Value |
GetAsyncRequestInfoResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, distributor, cc staff, representative, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
GetAsyncRequestInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_async_request |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the request. |
GetAsyncRequestInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
request_info |
No |
AsyncRequestInfo structure |
No |
The asynchronous request info. |
get_request_list |
This method enables getting the list of async requests |
Parameters |
GetAsyncRequestListRequest |
Return Value |
GetAsyncRequestListResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, distributor, cc staff, representative, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
No |
Mode |
Syncronous only |
GetAsyncRequestListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
Does not include any properties |
GetAsyncRequestListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
request_list |
No |
Array of AsyncRequestInfo structure |
No |
A set of asynchronous request records. |
Authorization rule information
SOAP URI (namespace):
Authorization rule management
add_authz_rule |
This method allows an API user to define manual authentication rules allowing PortaSIP servers to handle incoming calls in the desired manner |
Parameters |
AddUpdateAuthzRuleRequest |
Return Value |
AddUpdateAuthzRuleResponse |
Realm |
administrator |
Standalone mode support |
No |
AddUpdateAuthzRuleRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
authz_rule_info |
Yes |
AuthzRuleInfo structure |
No |
Authentication rule data. |
override_autogenerated |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether to override existing autogenerated rules: 1 – if an autogenerated rule for this IP address already exists, override it by the new manual rule, 0 – if an autogenerated rule for this IP address already exists, throw SOAP fault 'duplicate ip pattern'. |
AddUpdateAuthzRuleResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_authz_rule |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the created authentication rule. |
DeleteAuthzRuleRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_authz_rule |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the authentication rule record to delete. |
DeleteAuthzRuleResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 in case of success, 0 in case of failure. |
GetAuthzMethodTypeListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
Does not include any properties |
GetAuthzMethodTypeListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
authz_method_type_list |
Yes |
Array of AuthzMethodTypeInfo structure |
No |
The list of authentication method types. |
get_authz_rule_list |
This method allows an API user to get a list of authentication rules that show how PortaSIP servers handle incoming calls. An authentication rule combines an authorization method and call parameters |
Parameters |
GetAuthzRuleListRequest |
Return Value |
GetAuthzRuleListResponse |
Realm |
administrator |
Standalone mode support |
No |
GetAuthzRuleListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
auto_link_type |
No |
string |
Yes |
The filter to search the authentication rules by the 'auto_link_type' DB column. |
autogenerated |
No |
int |
No |
The filter to search autogenerated or manually created authentication rules. Possible values: 1 - autogenerated, 0 - manually created. |
with_extended_info |
No |
int |
No |
If set to 1, the method returns the following additional fields in the response AuthzRuleInfo structures: 'account_id', 'connection_description' and 'node_name'. |
GetAuthzRuleListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
authz_rule_list |
Yes |
Array of AuthzRuleInfo structure |
Yes |
A list of authentication rules found. |
RearrangeAuthzRuleListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 in case of success, exception error message in case of failure. |
update_authz_rule |
This method allows an API user to update manual authentication rules to change how PortaSIP servers handle incoming calls |
Parameters |
AddUpdateAuthzRuleRequest |
Return Value |
AddUpdateAuthzRuleResponse |
Realm |
administrator |
Standalone mode support |
No |
Billing sessions information
SOAP URI (namespace):
Billing session management
DisconnectSessionRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
billing_session_id |
No |
string |
No |
The h323-conf-id of the session. |
Max value: 36 Min value: 1 |
service_session_id |
No |
string |
No |
The call-id of the session. |
Max value: 100 Min value: 1 |
DisconnectSessionResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 in case of success. |
get_active_calls_list |
This method allows an API user to get the list of active calls |
Parameters |
GetActiveCallsRequest |
Return Value |
GetActiveCallsResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetActiveCallsRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
actual |
No |
string |
No |
Return only actual records. |
Default value: N Possible values: Y, N |
i_account |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the account. |
i_customer |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the customer. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. Mandatory for an API request with the offset property specified. |
Min value: 1 |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. Requires the limit property to be specified in the API request. |
Max value: 4294967295 |
GetActiveCallsResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
active_calls_list |
Yes |
Array of ActiveCallInfo structure |
Yes |
The list of active calls. |
GetActiveSessionsRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
account_id |
No |
string |
No |
The ID (PIN) of the account on the PortaBilling interface, unique in the environment. |
Max value: 128 |
call_id |
No |
string |
No |
The call-id of the session. |
Max value: 100 |
cld |
No |
string |
No |
The called line phone number. |
Max value: 128 |
cli |
No |
string |
No |
The calling line phone number. |
Max value: 128 |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Get the total number of the retrieved active session records. |
h323_conf_id |
No |
string |
No |
The h323-conf-id of the session. |
Max value: 36 |
hotlined |
No |
string |
No |
The flag that shows whether the session is hotlined (Internet sessions only). |
Possible values: Y, N |
i_connection |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the connection. |
i_customer |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the customer record. |
i_node |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the node. |
i_parent |
No |
unsignedLong |
Yes |
Omit for a direct customer; i_customer of the reseller for a subcustomer. |
i_service_type |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the service type. |
i_vendor |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the vendor record. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. Mandatory for an API request with the offset property specified. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. Requires the limit property to be specified in the API request. |
on_net |
No |
string |
No |
Filter the session list by the on-net status. Possible values: 'on-net_only' - Include only on-net sessions; 'exclude' - Do not include on-net sessions; 'exclude_incoming' - Do not include incoming on-net sessions. |
Possible values: on-net_only, exclude, exclude_incoming |
parent_session_id |
No |
string |
Yes |
The parent session ID. |
Max value: 36 |
source_ip |
No |
string |
No |
The IP address of the entity. |
Max value: 15 Min value: 7 |
with_cld_country |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether the information about country and subdivision of CLD should be included in the response. |
with_nodes |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether the information about used nodes should be included in the response. |
with_resale_hierarchy |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether the information about the resellers hierarchy should be included in the response. |
GetActiveSessionsResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
active_session_list |
No |
Array of ActiveSessionInfo structure |
No |
The list of active sessions. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of the retrieved sessions. |
Call recording management
ManageActiveCallRecordingRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
call_id |
Yes |
string |
No |
The unique ID of the call. |
command |
Yes |
string |
No |
Allows you to start or stop call recording. One of the following: stop; start. |
Possible values: start, stop |
ManageActiveCallRecordingResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
cld_status |
Yes |
string |
No |
Callee part call recording start/stop status; enum [
FAILED - some errors happened during attempt to enabled/disable recording;
DENIED - action isn't allowed according to BE data;
OK - action processed successfully ]. |
cli_status |
Yes |
string |
No |
Caller part call recording start/stop status; enum [
FAILED - some errors happened during attempt to enabled/disable recording;
DENIED - action isn't allowed according to BE data;
OK - action processed successfully ]. |
Internet session management
AddDisconnectQueueRecordRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
account_id |
Yes |
string |
No |
Account number. |
Max value: 128 |
at_time |
No |
dateTime |
No |
Time when status should be applied. Default: current time. |
i_node |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
Unique ID of Nodes record (should be POD server). |
Min value: 1 |
i_service_type |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the related service type. Default: 6 (NETACCESS). |
Default value: 6 Min value: 2 |
param1 |
No |
string |
No |
Formatted disconnector parameters string. |
Max value: 255 |
session_id |
No |
string |
No |
ID of the session to work with. |
Max value: 36 |
tx_expire |
No |
dateTime |
No |
Expiration time. |
AddDisconnectQueueRecordResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_pod |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the disconnect request. Refers to the DisconnectQuery table. |
Brand pane information
SOAP URI (namespace):
Brand pane management
get_brand_pane_zip |
This method allows an API user to get the brandpane template and css files. The brandpane-related files are returned in a MIME attachment |
Parameters |
GetBrandPaneRequest |
Return Value |
GetBrandPaneResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
Attachments |
Type |
Download |
Formats |
zip |
Mandatory |
No |
GetBrandPaneRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
env |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
This property represents environments. It must be 'default' (for an unspecified environment) or the i_env number. |
realm |
Yes |
string |
No |
Realm name as in the configuration (admin, accounts, cc_staff, customer, vendor, representative, etc.). |
Possible values: admin, customer, accounts, cc_staff, vendor, representative |
GetBrandPaneResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
css_file_name |
No |
string |
No |
A path (relative to /home/porta-admin directory) to the brandpane's style – CSS file (e.g. /brandpane/env_3/accounts/brandpane.css). |
html_file_name |
No |
string |
No |
A path (relative to /home/porta-admin directory) to the brandpane’s template – HTML file named 'brandpane.tmpl' (e.g. /brandpane/env_3/accounts/brandpane.tmpl). |
Bundle promotion information
SOAP URI (namespace):
Bundle promotion management
Criterium management
AddUpdateCriterionRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
criterion_info |
Yes |
CriterionInfo structure |
No |
The information about the bundle promotion criteria. The i_bd_criteria parameter is mandatory for the update_criterion method. |
AddUpdateCriterionResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_bd_criteria |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the bundle promotion criterion. |
DeleteCriterionRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_bd_criteria |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the bundle promotion criterion. |
DeleteCriterionResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
Possible values: 1 – The bundle promotion criteria are successfully deleted. 0 – The bundle promotion criteria have not been deleted. |
GetCriteriaListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether to show the total number of criteria found. Then, even if, e.g. the limit property is specified, the total number of criteria that satisfy other conditions will be shown. |
i_bd_plan |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the Bundle Promotion Plan. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. Mandatory for an API request with the offset property specified. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. Requires the limit property to be specified in the API request. |
with_thresholds |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether to show the list of thresholds associated with the criteria. 1 – Show the the list of thresholds. 0 – Do not show the list of thresholds. |
GetCriteriaListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
criteria_list |
Yes |
Array of CriterionInfo structure |
Yes |
The list of Bundle Discount Criteria found. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of Criteria found. |
GetCriterionRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_bd_criteria |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the bundle promotion criteria. |
with_thresholds |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether to show the list of thresholds associated with the criteria. Possible values: 1 – Show the the list of thresholds. 0 – Do not show the list of thresholds. |
GetCriterionInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
criterion_info |
No |
CriterionInfo structure |
Yes |
The information about the bundle promotion criterion. |
Call barring information
SOAP URI (namespace):
Call barring class management
AddCallBarringClassRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
call_barring_class_info |
Yes |
CallBarringClassInfo structure |
No |
Information about the call barring class. |
AddCallBarringClassResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_cp_condition |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the call barring class. |
DeleteCallBarringClassRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_cp_condition |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the call barring class. |
DeleteCallBarringClassResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 for success, exception error message in case of failure. |
GetCallBarringClassInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
check_usage |
No |
int |
No |
Check whether the call barring class is in use. |
i_cp_condition |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the call barring class. |
GetCallBarringClassInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
call_barring_class_info |
No |
CallBarringClassInfo structure |
No |
Information about a call barring class. |
GetCallBarringClassListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
check_usage |
No |
int |
No |
Check whether the call barring class is in use. |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Get the total number of records in the DB. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. Mandatory for an API request with the offset property specified. |
matching_type |
No |
string |
No |
The mode of number selection for the call barring class. Possible values: 'excluding' - bar numbers that do not fit the patterns defined in the number_pattern_list, 'including' - bar numbers that fit the patterns defined in the number_pattern_list. |
Possible values: excluding, including |
name |
No |
string |
No |
Call barring class name. |
number |
No |
string |
No |
The call barring class number pattern. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. |
GetCallBarringClassListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
call_barring_class_list |
No |
Array of CallBarringClassInfo structure |
No |
A list of call barring classes. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of retrieved records. |
UpdateCallBarringClassRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
call_barring_class_info |
Yes |
CallBarringClassInfo structure |
No |
Information about the call barring class. |
UpdateCallBarringClassResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_cp_condition |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the call barring class. |
Call barring options management
AddGetDefaultCallBarringOptionRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_cp_condition |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the call barring class. |
AddDefaultCallBarringOptionResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_default_cb_option |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the default call barring option. |
GetDefaultCallBarringOptionInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
default_cb_option_info |
No |
DefaultCallBarringOptionInfo structure |
No |
The information about the default call barring option. |
CC staff information
SOAP URI (namespace):
CC staff management
add_cc_staff |
This method allows an API user to add a CC staff record |
Parameters |
AddCCStaffRequest |
Return Value |
AddCCStaffResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller |
Standalone mode support |
No |
AddCCStaffRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
cc_staff_info |
Yes |
CCStaffInfo structure |
No |
Complete information about the CC staff record. |
AddCCStaffResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_cc_staff |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the created CC staff record. |
DeleteCCStaffRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_cc_staff |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the CC Staff record to be deleted. |
DeleteCCStaffResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 if operation is successful, 0 if not. |
GetCCStaffInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_cc_staff |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the CC staff record to be fetched. |
GetCCStaffInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
cc_staff_info |
No |
CCStaffInfo structure |
No |
Information about the CC staff record. |
get_cc_staff_list |
This method enables an API user to get a list of CC staff info records |
Parameters |
GetCCStaffListRequest |
Return Value |
GetCCStaffListResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetCCStaffListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Get the total number of the retrieved CC staff records. |
i_customer |
No |
int |
No |
The unique ID of the reseller. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. |
login |
No |
int |
No |
A login pattern. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. |
GetCCStaffListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
cc_staff_list |
No |
Array of CCStaffInfo structure |
Yes |
Set of the CC staff data records. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of the retrieved CC staff records. |
UpdateCCStaffRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
cc_staff_info |
Yes |
CCStaffInfo structure |
No |
Complete information about the CC staff record. |
UpdateCCStaffResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_cc_staff |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the updated CC staff record. |
CDR information
SOAP URI (namespace):
Call recording management
BatchDeleteCallRecordingRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
xdr_list |
Yes |
Array of CRInfo structure |
No |
The list of call recording info. |
Min value: 1 |
BatchDeleteCallRecordingResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
result_list |
Yes |
Array of BatchDeleteCRStatusInfo structure |
No |
The statuses of deleted call recording records. |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 on success, exception on failure. |
get_call_recording |
This method enables an API user to get the list of call recording records |
Parameters |
GetCallRecordingRequest |
Return Value |
GetCallRecordingResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, retail customer, account, representative |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
Attachments |
Type |
Download |
Formats |
Mandatory |
No |
GetCallRecordingRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
call_recording_id |
No |
string |
No |
The ID of the call recording record. |
Max value: 40 Min value: 1 |
i_xdr |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
ID of XDR record. |
GetCallRecordingResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
Does not include any properties |
Disconnect reason management
get_disconnect_reason_list |
The method enables an API user to fetch the list of available xDR disconnect reasons |
Parameters |
GetDisconnectReasonListRequest |
Return Value |
GetDisconnectReasonListResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, cc staff, distributor, representative, retail customer, account |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetDisconnectReasonListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
Does not include any properties |
GetDisconnectReasonListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
disconnect_reason_list |
Yes |
Array of DisconnectReasonInfo structure |
No |
Set of disconnect reason data records. |
XDR management
GetAuxXDRTypeListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
Does not include any properties |
GetAuxXDRTypeListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
aux_xdr_type_list |
No |
Array of AuxXDRTypeInfo structure |
No |
The list of aux XDR type records. |
GetNetaccessUsageRecordListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
format |
No |
string |
No |
This parameter enables the user to get xDRs in other formats via a SOAP attachment. Currently only the "csv" format is supported. |
Possible values: csv |
h323_conf_id |
No |
string |
No |
The unique identifier of the session. At least one of the following fields is mandatory in the request: xdr_id_list, h323_conf_id. |
Max value: 36 |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. |
xdr_id_list |
No |
Array of unsignedLong structure |
No |
The list of xDR ids to filter the response. At least one of the following fields is mandatory in the request: xdr_id_list, h323_conf_id. |
Min value: 1 |
GetNetaccessUsageRecordListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
netaccess_usage_record_list |
No |
Array of NetaccessUsageRecordInfo structure |
No |
The list of net access usage records related to accounts' xDR(s). |
revert_xdr_list |
The method enables an API user to revert all transactions for a list of xDRs |
Parameters |
RevertXDRListRequest |
Return Value |
RevertXDRListResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller |
Standalone mode support |
No |
RevertXDRListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
revert_list |
Yes |
Array of XDRRevertInfo structure |
No |
The information about xDRs that are going to be reverted. |
RevertXDRListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 for success, exception on failure. |
Commission plan information
SOAP URI (namespace):
Commission plan management
AddCommissionPlanRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
commission_plan_info |
Yes |
CommissionPlanInfo structure |
No |
Complete information about the commission plan. |
AddCommissionPlanResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_commission_plan |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the commission plan. |
DeleteCommissionPlanRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_commission_plan |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the commission plan. |
DeleteCommissionPlanResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 in case of success, 0 in case of failure. |
GetCommissionPlanBaseListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
Does not include any properties |
GetCommissionPlanBaseListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
commission_plan_base_list |
Yes |
Array of CommissionPlanBaseInfo structure |
No |
The set of the commission plan base data records. |
GetCommissionPlanInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_commission_plan |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the commission plan. |
GetCommissionPlanInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
commission_plan_info |
No |
CommissionPlanInfo structure |
No |
Complete information about the commission plan. |
GetCommissionPlanListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Flag which indicates whether the total number of the commission plans should be retrurned. |
i_cp_base |
No |
int |
No |
The unique ID of the commission plan base. |
iso_4217 |
No |
string |
No |
The commission plan currency. |
Max value: 3 |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. |
managed_by |
No |
unsignedLong |
Yes |
The unique ID of entity, which manage the commission plan. |
name |
No |
string |
No |
The commission plan name. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. |
GetCommissionPlanListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
commission_plan_list |
Yes |
Array of CommissionPlanInfo structure |
No |
The set of the commission plans data records. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of found commission plans. |
UpdateCommissionPlanRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
commission_plan_info |
Yes |
CommissionPlanInfo structure |
No |
Complete information about the commission plan. |
UpdateCommissionPlanResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_commission_plan |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the commission plan. |
Content-based charging information
SOAP URI (namespace):
Marketing group management
add_marketing_group |
This method enables an API user to add a marketing group |
Parameters |
AddMarketingGroupRequest |
Return Value |
AddMarketingGroupResponse |
Realm |
administrator |
Standalone mode support |
No |
AddMarketingGroupRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
marketing_group_info |
Yes |
MarketingGroupInfo structure |
No |
The information about the marketing group. |
AddMarketingGroupResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_marketing_group |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of the marketing group. |
delete_marketing_group |
This method enables an API user to delete a marketing group record |
Parameters |
DeleteMarketingGroupRequest |
Return Value |
DeleteMarketingGroupResponse |
Realm |
administrator |
Standalone mode support |
No |
DeleteMarketingGroupRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_marketing_group |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of the marketing group. |
DeleteMarketingGroupResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
No |
int |
No |
Possible values: 1 - for success; 0 - for failure. |
get_marketing_group_info |
This method enables an API user to retrieve the information about a marketing group – a certain type of network traffic (e.g. Messengers, Social Networks, etc.) |
Parameters |
GetMarketingGroupInfoRequest |
Return Value |
GetMarketingGroupInfoResponse |
Realm |
administrator |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetMarketingGroupInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
get_external_info |
No |
int |
No |
This flag indicates whether a local group or a group from the CoSS server should be returned. |
i_marketing_group |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of the marketing group. |
id |
No |
int |
No |
Marketing group code on the CoSS server. |
name |
No |
string |
No |
Marketing group name. |
GetMarketingGroupInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
marketing_group_info |
No |
MarketingGroupInfo structure |
No |
The information about the marketing group. |
get_marketing_group_list |
This method enables an API user to retrieve the list of existing marketing groups |
Parameters |
GetMarketingGroupListRequest |
Return Value |
GetMarketingGroupListResponse |
Realm |
administrator |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetMarketingGroupListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
get_external_groups |
No |
int |
No |
This flag indicates whether local groups or groups from the CoSS server should be returned. |
id |
No |
string |
No |
Marketing group code pattern. |
name |
No |
string |
No |
Marketing group name pattern. |
GetMarketingGroupListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
marketing_group_list |
No |
Array of MarketingGroupInfo structure |
No |
Set of the marketing group records. |
update_marketing_group |
This method enables an API user to update the information about a marketing group |
Parameters |
UpdateMarketingGroupRequest |
Return Value |
UpdateMarketingGroupResponse |
Realm |
administrator |
Standalone mode support |
No |
UpdateMarketingGroupRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
marketing_group_info |
Yes |
MarketingGroupInfo structure |
No |
The information about the marketing group. |
UpdateMarketingGroupResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
No |
int |
No |
One of the following: 1 – success, 0 – failed. |
Rating group management
add_rating_group |
This method enables an API user to add a rating group |
Parameters |
AddRatingGroupRequest |
Return Value |
AddRatingGroupResponse |
Realm |
administrator |
Standalone mode support |
No |
AddRatingGroupRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
rating_group_info |
Yes |
RatingGroupInfo structure |
No |
The information about the rating group. |
AddRatingGroupResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_rating_group |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of the rating group. |
delete_rating_group |
This method enables an API user to delete a rating group record |
Parameters |
DeleteRatingGroupRequest |
Return Value |
DeleteRatingGroupResponse |
Realm |
administrator |
Standalone mode support |
No |
DeleteRatingGroupRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_rating_group |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of the rating group. |
DeleteRatingGroupResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
No |
int |
No |
Possible values: 1 - for success; 0 - for failure. |
get_rating_group_info |
This method enables an API user to retrieve the information about a rating group |
Parameters |
GetRatingGroupInfoRequest |
Return Value |
GetRatingGroupInfoResponse |
Realm |
administrator |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetRatingGroupInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_rating_group |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The ID of the rating group. |
id |
No |
int |
No |
The rating group code used for communication with the CoSS server. |
name |
No |
string |
No |
The name of the rating group. |
GetRatingGroupInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
rating_group_info |
No |
RatingGroupInfo structure |
No |
The information about the rating group. |
get_rating_group_list |
This method enables an API user to retrieve the list of existing rating groups |
Parameters |
GetRatingGroupListRequest |
Return Value |
GetRatingGroupListResponse |
Realm |
administrator |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetRatingGroupListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
id |
No |
int |
No |
Rating group code pattern on the CoSS server. |
name |
No |
string |
No |
Rating group name pattern. |
GetRatingGroupListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
rating_group_list |
No |
Array of RatingGroupInfo structure |
No |
Set of rating group records. |
update_rating_group |
This method enables an API user to update the information about a rating group |
Parameters |
UpdateRatingGroupRequest |
Return Value |
UpdateRatingGroupResponse |
Realm |
administrator |
Standalone mode support |
No |
UpdateRatingGroupRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
rating_group_info |
Yes |
RatingGroupInfo structure |
No |
The information about the rating group. |
UpdateRatingGroupResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
No |
int |
No |
Possible values: 1 - for success; 0 - for failure. |
Currency information
SOAP URI (namespace):
Currencies exchange management
convert_money |
This method allows an API user to convert an amount from one currency to another |
Parameters |
ConvertMoneyRequest |
Return Value |
ConvertMoneyResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
ConvertMoneyRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
amount |
Yes |
float |
No |
The amount of money to convert. |
from_iso_4217 |
Yes |
string |
No |
The initial currency. |
to_iso_4217 |
Yes |
string |
No |
The target currency. |
ConvertMoneyResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
converted |
No |
float |
No |
The amount in the target currency (the converted amount). |
get_exchange_rate_list |
This method allows an API user to get a list of all exchange rates used within the system |
Parameters |
GetXrateListRequest |
Return Value |
GetXrateListResponse |
Realm |
administrator |
Standalone mode support |
No |
GetXrateListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Get total amount of exchange rates. |
iso_4217 |
No |
string |
No |
Get only exchange rates for provided iso_4217. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
Limit of response list. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
Offset of response list. |
only_active |
No |
int |
No |
Get only active exchange rates. |
GetXrateListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
exchange_rate_list |
No |
Array of XrateInfo structure |
No |
The list of exchange rate records. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of the retrieved exchange rate data records. |
sync_exchange_rates |
This method enables an API user to synchronize exchange rates with their external sources |
Parameters |
SyncXratesRequest |
Return Value |
SyncXratesResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller |
Standalone mode support |
No |
SyncXratesRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
Does not include any properties |
SyncXratesResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 for success, 0 for failure. |
Currency management
AddCurrencyRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
currency_info |
Yes |
CurrencyInfo structure |
No |
Complete information about the Currency. |
AddCurrencyResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_ma_currency |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique merchant account currency identifier. |
iso_4217 |
Yes |
string |
No |
The unique ID of the Currency record. |
DeleteCurrencyRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_ma_currency |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique merchant account currency identifier. |
iso_4217 |
Yes |
string |
No |
The unique ID of the Currency record. |
DeleteCurrencyResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 for success, 0 for failure. |
get_currency_info |
This method allows an API user to get information about a currency created in PortaBilling |
Parameters |
GetCurrencyInfoRequest |
Return Value |
GetCurrencyInfoResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, cc staff, distributor |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetCurrencyInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_ma_currency |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique merchant account currency identifier. |
iso_4217 |
Yes |
string |
No |
Currency ISO4217 code. |
GetCurrencyInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
currency_info |
Yes |
CurrencyInfo structure |
No |
Complete information about the Currency. |
get_currency_list |
This method allows an API user to get the list of currencies created in PortaBilling |
Parameters |
GetCurrencyListRequest |
Return Value |
GetCurrencyListResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller, cc staff, representative |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetCurrencyListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Flag which allows to include the total number of retrieved records into the response. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. |
search |
No |
string |
No |
Pattern that allows to search by Currency name. Use the following wildcard symbols: The percentage ( % ) wildcard allows you to match any string of zero or more characters; The underscore ( _ ) wildcard allows you to match any single character. |
skip_merchant_account_info |
No |
int |
No |
Specifies whether to remove merchant account info related to a currency record from the response. |
GetCurrencyListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
currency_list |
Yes |
Array of CurrencyInfo structure |
No |
Set of Currency data records. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of the retrieved currencies records. |
UpdateCurrencyRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
currency_info |
Yes |
CurrencyInfo structure |
No |
Complete information about the Currency. |
UpdateCurrencyResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_ma_currency |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique merchant account currency identifier. |
iso_4217 |
Yes |
string |
No |
The unique ID of the Currency record. |
Custom fields information
SOAP URI (namespace):
Custom field management
AddCustomFieldRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
custom_field_info |
Yes |
CustomFieldsInfo structure |
No |
The custom field information. |
AddCustomFieldResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_custom_field |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the custom field record. |
DeleteCustomFieldRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_custom_field |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the custom field record. |
DeleteCustomFieldResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
A non-zero value means that the operation was completed. |
GetCustomFieldInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_custom_field |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the custom field record. |
GetCustomFieldInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
custom_field_info |
No |
CustomFieldsInfo structure |
No |
The custom field information. |
get_custom_field_list |
This method enables an API user to get the list of custom fields with information about their types and possible values |
Parameters |
GetCustomFieldListRequest |
Return Value |
GetCustomFieldListResponse |
Realm |
administrator, reseller |
Standalone mode support |
Yes |
GetCustomFieldListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
check_usage |
No |
int |
No |
Check whether the custom field was used. |
managed_by |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the reseller who manages the Custom field record. If undefined, only custom fields managed by administrator will be returned. |
mandatory |
No |
string |
No |
The flag shows whether the custom field is mandatory. Possible values: 'Y', 'N'. |
Possible values: Y, N |
name |
No |
string |
No |
The custom field name pattern. |
object |
No |
string |
No |
The object the custom field is applicable to. Possible values: 'customer', 'account'. |
Possible values: customer, account |
type |
No |
string |
No |
The canonical name of the custom field type. Currently supported: 'text', 'list', 'date', 'number', 'datetime'. |
Possible values: number, date, text, datetime, list |
visible_to_end_user |
No |
string |
No |
The flag shows whether the custom field is visible to the end user. Possible values: 'Y', 'N'. |
Possible values: Y, N |
GetCustomFieldListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
custom_fields |
No |
Array of CustomFieldsInfo structure |
No |
The list of available custom fields. |
UpdateCustomFieldRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
custom_field_info |
Yes |
CustomFieldsInfo structure |
No |
The custom field information. |
UpdateCustomFieldResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_custom_field |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the custom field record. |
Customer class information
SOAP URI (namespace):
Business model management
GetBusinessModelsListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
Does not include any properties |
GetBusinessModelsListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
business_models |
No |
Array of BusinessModelInfo structure |
No |
The list of available business models. |
Customer class management
AddUpdateCustomerClassRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
customer_class_info |
Yes |
CustomerClassInfo structure |
No |
Complete information about customer class records. |
AddUpdateCustomerClassResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_customer_class |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the customer class record. |
CloneCustomerClassRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_customer_class |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the customer class to use the info from for the cloning procedure. |
managed_by |
No |
unsignedLong |
Yes |
Deprecated. The unique ID of the reseller who is going to manage the customer class. |
name |
No |
string |
Yes |
The name of the new cloned customer class. |
Max value: 100 |
CloneCustomerClassResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_customer_class |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the new cloned customer class. |
DeleteCustomerClassRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_customer_class |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the customer class record. |
DeleteCustomerClassResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
success |
Yes |
int |
No |
1 if operation is successful, 0 if not. |
GetCustomerClassInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
check_usage_by_resellers |
No |
int |
No |
If the method is called by the administrator and is set to '1' then the 'is_used_by_resellers' field will be provided for every record in the response. |
i_customer_class |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the customer class record. |
name |
No |
string |
No |
Name of the customer class on the PortaBilling interface, unique in the environment. |
Max value: 100 |
GetCustomerClassInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
customer_class_info |
No |
CustomerClassInfo structure |
No |
Complete information about customer class records. |
GetCustomerClassListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
check_usage |
No |
int |
No |
Check whether the customer class is in use. |
get_total |
No |
int |
No |
Get the total number of retrieved records. |
Default value: 1 |
i_business_model |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the business model. |
i_customer |
No |
unsignedLong |
Yes |
ID of the reseller who manages the customer class. |
invoicing_status |
No |
string |
No |
Possible values: 1 - both regular and out-of-turn invoicing enabled , 2 - regular invoicing enabled, 3 - out-of-turn invoicing enabled, 4 - invoicing disabled. |
limit |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to retrieve. |
name |
No |
string |
No |
The name of the customer class. |
offset |
No |
int |
No |
The number of rows to skip at the beginning of the list. |
search |
No |
string |
No |
Search in the name and description of a customer class. |
with_shared |
No |
int |
No |
If set to '1' and the reseller's data is requested then shared entities managed by the administrator will be added to the response. |
GetCustomerClassListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
customer_class_list |
No |
Array of CustomerClassInfo structure |
No |
The list of customer classes. |
total |
No |
int |
No |
The total number of the retrieved customer class records. |
GetDefaultCustomerClassRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_customer |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
ID of the reseller who manages the customer class (undefined in case of Managed By Administrator Only). |
GetDefaultCustomerClassResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
customer_class_info |
No |
CustomerClassInfo structure |
No |
Complete information about customer class records. |
Notification template management
GetCustomerClassNotificationCategoryListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_customer_class |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the customer class. |
GetCustomerClassNotificationListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_customer_class |
No |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the customer class. |
GetCustomerClassNotificationListResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
notification_list |
No |
Array of NotificationInfo structure |
No |
The list of notifications with their properties. |
total |
Yes |
int |
No |
The total amount of notifications. |
GetCustomerClassNotificationTemplateInfoRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_customer_class |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the customer class. |
name |
Yes |
string |
No |
The name of the either email or sms notification template as it appears in the Notifications table in the database. |
GetCustomerClassNotificationTemplateInfoResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
bcc |
No |
string |
No |
An email address of the person who wants to receive a copy of this notification. You can specify more than one valid email address; make sure you separate them with commas. |
body |
No |
string |
No |
The content of the message. |
subject |
No |
string |
No |
The subject as it appears in an email to a recepient. |
variables |
No |
Array of NotificationTemplateVariable structure |
No |
The set of available variables with information about them. |
SendMeCustomerClassNotificationSampleRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
i_customer_class |
Yes |
unsignedLong |
No |
The unique ID of the customer class. |
messaging_service_type |
Yes |
string |
No |
The type of the notification. Possible values: SMS, Mail. |
Possible values: mail, sms |
name |
Yes |
string |
No |
The name of the notification. |
SendMeCustomerClassNotificationSampleResponse |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |
Possible values |
is_sent |
Yes |
int |
No |
Specifies whether the notification was sent. Possible values: 1 – The notification was sent, 0 – The notification was not sent. |
UpdateCustomerClassNotificationCategoryListRequest |
Property |
Mandatory |
Type |
Nillable |
Description |