This page allows users to quickly and conveniently define how PortaSwitch® should process calls to special IVR applications.
These are the numbers that your customers would dial from the PSTN network or their IP phone to access a specific IVR application; for instance, *98 for voicemail, 12125551234 to access a prepaid calling card IVR, or 18005559876 to access the audio conferencing facility.
Field | Description |
Name |
This column shows the access number name. |
Application Type |
This column shows which application is to be used to process the call. |
Access Numbers |
This column shows the actual phone numbers to be dialed by the user. |
Description |
Short but meaningful description of the IVR application. |
To register a new IVR application, click Add
on the toolbar.
To edit an existing access number, click the Edit
icon next to it.
To configure the IVR application, click on its name.
To delete the IVR application, click the Delete icon next to it.
An IVR application can contain one or several access numbers. Using the PortaBilling® web interface, administrators can choose the most convenient way to associate access numbers with a particular IVR application:
If you provide service with one access number (e.g. *98 for
balance info), add it by clicking the Add
button on the toolbar. Then you can type in access numbers in the
Access Numbers field or pick up available DID
numbers from the DID Inventory simply by clicking on the
Access Number link in the header of the corresponding
If you provide service with multiple access numbers (e.g. prepaid card calling with toll-free access number and local access numbers in every state), type in or paste the list of access numbers by using Quick Upload.
NOTE: The system lists only the DID numbers that have the Free status.
On the IVR Settings tab you can view a list of all options for the selected access number and modify them.
There is a helpful tool-tip for each option. Just point your mouse to the desired option to invoke it.
Find a detailed description of all the options in the PortaSIP Media Applications Guide.
This page shows the list of voice applications and allows you to modify the options for the voice application you select. There is also the option of adding new instances (voice applications) for web callback, SMS callback and email callback.
To add a new instance for the desired callback application, click on
it and then click the Add
a new instance. Enter a name for the new application in the dialog
box and then click OK.
If you want to add a new instance using the same options as those in
the existing one, use the Clone button. Right-mouse click
on the instance you would like to clone and then click Clone.
NOTE: While cloning a callback instance, the unique voice application fields are not cloned and are set to their default values. The unique field for Web callback is Callback WEB Page Address, for Email Callback it is Callback Email Address and for SMS callback it is Callback Access Number.
Field | Description |
Maximum People in a Conference |
This enables you to specify the maximum number of people in a single conference. By default: 8 people. |
Maximum People in Conferences |
This enables you to specify the maximum number of people who can attend conferences in parallel. By default: 64 people. |
Field | Description |
Callback WEB Page Address |
Type an address of the web page that will be provided to end users for initiating callback calls in this format: https://<host>:8901 where
You can also specify a regular expression for an HTTP referrer which initiates a WEB callback. For example, if you type ^https:\\/\\/.* in this field, then all requests will be processed by this instance. NOTE: The Callback WEB Page Address option must be unique for each web callback instance. |
The Second Number to Connect |
For simple mode, the phone number to which the second call should connect. |
Use Account ID as ANI |
If this check box is selected, then the account ID is presented as the CLI for call legs A and B. |
Account ID Translation Rule |
Apply translation rules to the username used for authentication. For instance, for calls from Prague, Czech Republic, ANI numbers are delivered as 02123456. If you provide services in multiple countries, you will probably enter a Czech account in billing as 4202123456. When the server receives 02123456, it must add a 42 to the beginning of the username and use 4202123456 for authentication. Similarly, for calls originating from London the server would append 44, etc. |
ANI Translation Rule |
This allows the CLI number to be modified during the call. |
Send Authorization |
When enabled, an authorization request will be sent along with authentication. It allows you to:
Minimum Sufficient Time, sec |
Specify the minimum amount of seconds a user needs for leg A in order to use the callback service (applicable when Send Authorization is set to Yes and Minimum Sufficient Time > 0). |
Destination Translation Rule |
Allows a dialed number to be modified. |
Second Dialed Number TranslationRule |
Allows a second dialed number to be modified. |
Minimum Card Length |
Minimum length of a card number. By default: 11. |
Maximum Card Length |
Maximum length of a card number. By default: 11. |
Maximum Login Attempts |
Maximum number of attempts for a user to enter a card number. By default: 3. |
Internal Account |
Specifies an ‘internal’ account.
You can allow / deny certain destinations in this account’s tariff as the initial callback will be authorized with this internal account.
Note: The Media Server uses the application access number to send an accounting request for failed calls. |
Languages |
This enables you to select (a) language(s) to be used for
voice prompts. Click the |
Conf Language List Is Preferred |
If this check box is selected, the language list defined on this page has a higher preference than the account’s preferred language. |
Brand Prompts |
IVR prompts can be customized per Access Number. Specify the directory where the custom prompt files are located. The Media Server will look for them in that folder first and if found, use them. Otherwise, it will use default files.
(For example, put customized English prompts under the directory /porta_var/psmsc/customfiles/prompts/brands/my_company/en |
Play Welcome Message |
If enabled, the IVR will play the welcome message to a user once an access number is reached. |
Restriction for Calling with Low Balance |
When account balance is less than product breakage and disconnect is defined, IVR plays the “you have insufficient funds” voice prompt and disconnects the call.
If no outgoing calls are defined, the IVR prompts for the destination number but plays “The number you have dialed is unreachable at the moment.” and drops the call immediately after dialing it.
The none option disables this feature. |
Announce Balance |
If enabled, the IVR will announce the current balance for the user before prompting for the phone number he wishes to reach. |
Credit Accounts Balance Announcement |
You can configure your IVR applications to announce the current balance for credit accounts in one of two modes:
Note that the third mode (Backward compatibility) is enabled by default. It preserves the announcements exactly the way they worked in releases prior to MR35. In the APPENDIX D. Balance Announcements section of the PortaSIP Media Applications Guide, there are balance announcement examples for different IVR configurations. |
Announce Credit Limit |
If enabled, the IVR will announce the credit limit as well as the account balance (applicable when Credit Accounts Balance Announcement is set to “balance” or “funds / balance”). |
Access Code |
Specifies an access code to be used for this instance. |
LegA CLD Prefix |
Leg A (callback to a user’s number) access code prefix. Allows billing leg A with different tariff. A separate Services and Rating entry with the appropriate access code and tariff should exist in the product’s Services and Rating list. NOTE: Access code must contain DNIS after the Prefix. For example, if the LegA CLD Prefix is LEG_A and the Access Number is 12125551234, then the Access Code should be LEG_A12125551234. |
LegB CLD Prefix |
Leg B (user’s call to destination) access code prefix. Allows billing leg B with different tariff. A separate Services and Rating entry with the appropriate access code and tariff should exist in the product’s Services and Rating list. NOTE: Access code must contain DNIS after the Prefix. For example, if the LegB CLD Prefix is LEG_B and the Access Number is 12125551234, then the Access Code should be LEG_B12125551234. |
Expected Connect Time, sec |
The “authorized” time for call leg B will be decreased by the specified value. |
Special Charge if LegB Fails |
By enabling this, you can charge users differently for calls with failed leg B (e.g. incomplete call is not charged). Just add a new Services and Rating entry to the product’s Services and Rating list, set its access code to “CALLBACK_FAIL” and associate it with a special tariff. |
Strict Authorization |
When enabled, call leg A will be disconnected if caller doesn’t have sufficient funds to place call leg B. |
Announce Time |
When user inputs the destination, IVR announces the maximum call duration allowed to this destination and then connects the call. |
Use Announcement Tariff |
It is possible to use different tariffs for the announcement of the maximum call duration allowed and for rating this call.
The first (transparent) tariff should be associated with the “ANNOUNCE+DNIS” access code in the product’s Services and Rating list. The second tariff should be associated with an actual access code.
Thus, the user hears the time announced according to the first tariff, while the call is actually authorized and rated according to the second tariff. |
Seconds Rounding Mode |
This option defines the way the seconds portion of “available time” is announced to a customer:
Play Pre-ring MOH |
By default, the calling party hears a ringtone while waiting until the remote party answers. You may want to replace this ringtone with music on hold (MOH).
Select this option to allow IVR to play a special ringing MOH when the call has been placed but the ring signal has not yet been received. |
Music on Hold Class |
Specify a pre-ring MOH class here. NOTE: Ringtone files for custom MOH should be placed under /porta_var/porta-um/prompts/moh/OPTION_VALUE/ (e.g. for the MOH class “my-ringtone” the path will be /porta_var/porta-um/prompts/moh/my-ringtone/). |
Disconnection Warning Interval, sec |
This feature announces the remaining time in seconds or simply plays a “beeping” sound. This “time left” warning is played when a specified number of seconds is left before the call is disconnected. |
Repeat Every, sec |
This feature allows you to provide multiple warnings before call is disconnected because of insufficient funds. In this case IVR repeats the warning every specified number of seconds until the end of the call.
These warnings help your customers to estimate whether there is enough time to finish their conversation or not, or if necessary, to top up their balance. |
Type of Disconnection Warning |
Choose one of the following types of “time left” warnings:
Disconnect Call Before, sec |
The call can be disconnected before an account’s balance is actually depleted. Specify in seconds (till the calculated end of the call) when to disconnect the call. |
Maximum Dial Attempts |
Maximum number of dial attempts within one session. By default: 3. |
Field | Description |
Callback Access Number |
Specify a phone number that sends data to the callback trigger. The phone number should be established by the SMS provider. This phone number is used to find the correct SMS callback instance. NOTE: The Callback Access Number option must be unique for each SMS callback instance. |
Authenticate Account Command |
Specify the command name for establishing callback using CLI, CLD and authentication data. Users will send this command via SMS. Default: P |
Registration Command |
Specify the registration command name. Users will send this command via SMS. Default: R |
Change Service Password Command |
Specify the command name for changing the account’s password. Users will send this command via SMS. Default: CP |
Check Balance Command |
Specify a name for the command for checking the user balance. Users will send this command via SMS. Default: CB |
Inbound Provider |
Select an SMS provider for incoming SMS messages. |
Outbound Provider |
Select an SMS provider for outgoing SMS messages. |
Send SMS Login |
Specify login used for relaying SMS messages using the service of the corresponding SMS provider. |
Send SMS Password |
Specify a password used for relaying SMS messages using the service of the corresponding SMS provider. |
Send SMS URL |
Specify a URL for sending SMS messages. It is obtained from the corresponding SMS provider. |
Company Name Template |
Specify a “Company Name” template. |
Company WEB Site Template |
Specify a “Corporate web site” template. |
Check Balance SMS Template |
Specify a template for SMS messages sent to the user upon receiving a “Balance info” request. |
Recharging Account SMS Template |
Specify a template for SMS messages sent to the user upon receiving a “Recharging account” request. |
Registration SMS Template |
Specify a template for SMS messages sent to the user upon receiving a “Registration” request. |
Use Account ID as ANI |
If this check box is selected, Account ID is presented as the CLI for A-leg and the B-leg of the calls. |
Account ID Translation Rule |
Apply translation rules to the username used for authentication. For instance, for calls from Prague, Czech Republic, ANI numbers are delivered as 02123456. If you provide services in multiple countries, you will probably enter a Czech account in billing as 4202123456. Now when the server receives 02123456, it must add 42 to the beginning of the username, then use 4202123456 for authentication. Similarly, for calls from London the server could append 44, and so on. |
ANI Translation Rule |
This allows to modify the CLI number. |
Send Authorization |
When enabled, an authorization request will be sent along with authentication. It allows you to:
Minimum Sufficient Time, sec |
Specify the minimum amount of seconds a user needs for leg A in order to use the callback service (applicable when Send Authorization is set to Yes and Minimum Sufficient Time > 0). |
Destination Translation Rule |
Allows to modify the dialed number. |
Second Dialed Number Translation Rule |
Allows to modify the second dialed number. |
Template Account |
Specify the account ID here to use its configuration properties as a template for all auto registered accounts. |
Languages |
This enables you to select language(s) to be used for voice
prompts. Click the |
Conf Language List Is Preferred |
If this check box is selected, the language list defined on this page has a higher preference than the account’s preferred language. |
Brand Prompts |
IVR prompts can be customized per access number.
Specify the directory where custom prompt files are located. The Media Server will look for the prompts in that folder first and if found – use them. Otherwise, it will use default files.
For example, put customized English prompts under the directory /porta_var/psmsc/customfiles/prompts/brands/my_company/en and specify “my_company” in this field. |
Play Welcome Message |
If enabled, the IVR will play the welcome message to the user once an access number is reached. |
Restriction for Calling with Low Balance |
Announce Balance |
If enabled, the IVR will announce the current balance for the user before prompting for the phone number he wishes to reach. |
Credit Accounts Balance Announcement |
You can configure your IVR applications to announce the current balance for credit accounts in one of two modes:
Note that a third “Backward compatibility” mode is enabled by default. It preserves the announcements exactly the way they worked in releases prior to MR35. In the APPENDIX D. Balance Announcements section of the PortaSIP Media Applications Guide, there are balance announcement examples for different IVR configurations. |
Announce Credit Limit |
If enabled, the IVR will announce the credit limit as well as the account balance (applicable when Credit Accounts Balance Announcement is set to “balance” or “funds / balance”). |
Access Code |
Specifies an Access Code to be used for this instance. |
LegA CLD Prefix |
Leg A (callback to a user’s number) access code prefix. Allows billing leg A with different tariff. A separate Services and Rating entry with the appropriate access code and tariff should exist in the product’s Services and Rating list. NOTE: Access code must contain DNIS after the Prefix. For example, if the LegA CLD Prefix is LEG_A and the Access Number is 12125551234, then the Access Code should be LEG_A12125551234. |
LegB CLD Prefix |
Leg B (user’s call to destination) access code prefix. Allows billing leg B with different tariff. A separate Services and Rating entry with the appropriate access code and tariff should exist in the product’s Services and Rating list. NOTE: Access code must contain DNIS after the Prefix. For example, if the LegB CLD Prefix is LEG_B and the Access Number is 12125551234, then the Access Code should be LEG_B12125551234. |
Expected Connect Time, sec |
The “authorized” time for call leg B will be decreased by the specified value. |
Special Charge if LegB Fails |
By enabling this, you can charge users differently for calls with failed leg B (e.g. incomplete call is not charged). Just add a new Services and Rating entry to the product’s Services and Rating list, set its access code to “CALLBACK_FAIL” and associate it with a special tariff. |
Strict Authorization |
When enabled, call leg A will be disconnected if caller doesn’t have sufficient funds to place call leg B. |
Announce Time |
When user inputs the destination, IVR announces the maximum call duration allowed to this destination and then connects the call. |
Use Announcement Tariff |
It is possible to use different tariffs for the announcement of the maximum call duration allowed and for rating this call. The first (transparent) tariff should be associated with the “ANNOUNCE+DNIS” access code in the product’s Services and Rating list. The second tariff should be associated with an actual access code. Thus, the user hears the time announced according to the first tariff, while the call is actually authorized and rated according to the second tariff. |
Seconds Rounding Mode |
This option defines the way the seconds portion of “available time” is announced to a customer:
Play Pre-ring MOH |
By default, the calling party hears a ringtone while waiting until the remote party answers. You may want to replace this ringtone with music on hold (MOH).
Select this option to allow IVR to play a special ringing MOH when the call has been placed but the ring signal has not yet been received. |
Music on Hold Class |
Specify a pre-ring MOH class here. NOTE: Ringtone files for custom MOH should be placed under /porta_var/porta-um/prompts/moh/OPTION_VALUE/ (e.g. for the MOH class “my-ringtone” the path will be /porta_var/porta-um/prompts/moh/my-ringtone/). |
Disconnection Warning Interval, sec |
This feature announces the remaining time in seconds or simply plays a “beeping” sound. This “time left” warning is played when a specified number of seconds is left before the call is disconnected. |
Repeat Every, sec |
This feature allows you to provide multiple warnings before call is disconnected because of insufficient funds. In this case IVR repeats the warning every specified number of seconds until the end of the call. These warnings help your customers to estimate whether there is enough time to finish their conversation or not, or if necessary, to top up their balance. |
Type of Disconnection Warning |
Choose one of the following types of “time left” warnings:
Disconnect Call Before, sec |
The call can be disconnected before an account’s balance is actually depleted. Specify in seconds (till the calculated end of the call) when to disconnect the call. |
Maximum Dial Attempts |
Maximum number of dial attempts within one session. By default: 3. |
Field | Description |
Callback Email Address |
Receiving email address. This address is aliased in the system to a special script which initiates email callback.
NOTE: The Callback Email Address option must be unique for each email callback instance. |
Use Account ID as ANI |
If this check box is selected, account ID is presented as the CLI for A-leg and the B-leg of the calls. |
Account ID Translation Rule |
Apply translation rules to the username used for authentication. For instance, for calls from Prague, Czech Republic, ANI numbers are delivered as 02123456. If you provide services in multiple countries, you will probably enter a Czech account in billing as 4202123456. Now when the server receives 02123456, it must add 42 to the beginning of the username, then use 4202123456 for authentication. Similarly, for calls from London the server could append 44, and so on. |
Send Authorization |
When enabled, an authorization request will be sent along with authentication. It allows you to:
Minimum Sufficient Time, sec |
Specify the minimum amount of seconds a user needs for leg A in order to use the callback service (applicable when Send Authorization is set to Yes and Minimum Sufficient Time > 0). |
Destination Translation Rule |
Allows to modify the dialed number. |
Second Dialed Number Translation Rule |
Allows to modify the second dialed number. |
Languages |
This enables you to select language(s) to be used for voice
prompts. Click the |
Conf Language List Is Preferred |
If this check box is selected, the language list defined on this page has a higher preference than the account’s preferred language. |
Brand Prompts |
IVR prompts can be customized per access number.
Specify the directory where custom prompt files are located. The Media Server will look for the prompts in that folder first and if found – use them. Otherwise, it will use default files.
For example, put customized English prompts under the directory /porta_var/psmsc/customfiles/prompts/brands/my_company/en and specify “my_company” in this field. |
Play Welcome Message |
If enabled, the IVR will play the welcome message to the user once an access number is reached. |
Restriction for Calling with Low Balance |
Announce Balance |
If enabled, the IVR will announce the current balance for the user before prompting for the phone number he wishes to reach. |
Credit Accounts Balance Announcement |
You can configure your IVR applications to announce the current balance for credit accounts in one of two modes:
Note that a third “Backward compatibility” mode is enabled by default. It preserves the announcements exactly the way they worked in releases prior to MR35. In the APPENDIX D. Balance Announcements section of the PortaSIP Media Applications Guide, there are balance announcement examples for different IVR configurations. |
Announce Credit Limit |
If enabled, the IVR will announce the credit limit as well as the account balance (applicable when Credit Accounts Balance Announcement is set to “balance” or “funds / balance”). |
Access Code |
Specifies an access code to be used for this instance. |
LegA CLD Prefix |
Leg A (callback to a user’s number) access code prefix. Allows billing leg A with different tariff. A separate Services and Rating entry with the appropriate access code and tariff should exist in the product’s Services and Rating list. NOTE: Access code must contain DNIS after the Prefix. For example, if the LegA CLD Prefix is LEG_A and the Access Number is 12125551234, then the Access Code should be LEG_A12125551234. |
LegB CLD Prefix |
Leg B (user’s call to destination) access code prefix. Allows billing leg B with different tariff. A separate Services and Rating entry with the appropriate access code and tariff should exist in the product’s Services and Rating list. NOTE: Access code must contain DNIS after the Prefix. For example, if the LegB CLD Prefix is LEG_B and the Access Number is 12125551234, then the Access Code should be LEG_B12125551234. |
Expected Connect Time, sec |
The “authorized” time for call leg B will be decreased by the specified value. |
Special Charge if LegB Fails |
By enabling this, you can charge users differently for calls with failed leg B (e.g. incomplete call is not charged). Just add a new Services and Rating entry to the product’s Services and Rating list, set its access code to “CALLBACK_FAIL” and associate it with a special tariff. |
Strict Authorization |
When enabled, call leg A will be disconnected if caller doesn’t have sufficient funds to place call leg B. |
Announce Time |
When user inputs the destination, IVR announces the maximum call duration allowed to this destination and then connects the call. |
Use Announcement Tariff |
It is possible to use different tariffs for the announcement of the maximum call duration allowed and for rating this call. The first (transparent) tariff should be associated with the “ANNOUNCE+DNIS” access code in the product’s Services and Rating list. The second tariff should be associated with an actual access code. Thus, the user hears the time announced according to the first tariff, while the call is actually authorized and rated according to the second tariff. |
Seconds Rounding Mode |
This option defines the way the seconds portion of “available time” is announced to a customer:
Play Pre-ring MOH |
By default, the calling party hears a ringtone while waiting until the remote party answers. You may want to replace this ringtone with music on hold (MOH). Check this option to allow IVR to play a special ringing MOH when the call has been placed but the ring signal has not yet been received. |
Music on Hold Class |
Specify a Pre-ring MOH class here. NOTE: Ringtone files for custom MOH should be placed under /porta_var/porta-um/prompts/moh/OPTION_VALUE/ (e.g. for the MOH class “my-ringtone” the path will be /porta_var/porta-um/prompts/moh/my-ringtone/). |
Disconnection Warning Interval, sec |
This feature announces the remaining time in seconds or simply plays a “beeping” sound. This “time left” warning is played when a specified number of seconds is left before the call is disconnected. |
Repeat Every, sec |
This feature allows you to provide multiple warnings before call is disconnected because of insufficient funds. In this case IVR repeats the warning every specified number of seconds until the end of the call.
These warnings help your customers to estimate whether there is enough time to finish their conversation or not, or if necessary, to top up their balance. |
Type of Disconnection Warning |
Choose one of the following types of “time left” warnings:
Disconnect Call Before, sec |
The call can be disconnected before an account’s balance is actually depleted. Specify in seconds (till the calculated end of the call) when to disconnect the call. |
Maximum Dial Attempts |
Maximum number of dial attempts within one session. By default: 3. |
Field | Description |
Default Prompt Timeout, sec |
Specify a default timeout for all voice prompts in seconds. |
Send Start Accounting |
This option is used for outgoing calls in all IVR applications. |
Confirm by Pound |
If this option is enabled, the IVR suggests confirmation of multi-digit input by pressing the ‘#’ key. |
Initial Pause, sec |
Specify an initial delay in seconds before the first playback. |
Field | Description |
Use as Voicemail |
Permits access to the account self-care IVR when account dials own account number. |
Languages |
This enables you to select language(s) to be used as voice
prompts. Click the |
Follow Me Timeout, sec |
Specifies how long the IP phone will ring before the call goes to a follow-me number. |
Credit Accounts Balance Announcement |
You can configure your IVR applications to announce the current balance for credit accounts in one of two modes:
Note that a third “Backward compatibility” mode is enabled by default. It preserves the announcements exactly the way they worked in releases prior to MR35. |
Announce Credit Limit |
If enabled, the balance announced to the end user will be followed by an announcement of the credit limit. This allows you to separate cases where credit limits are assigned only as a precaution (and so the end user should not really know about them) from cases where they are an integral part of the service (e.g. loyal customers are rewarded with an increased credit limit the longer they stay with you). |
Field | Description |
Allow to Check Account Balance |
Select this check box to allow end users to check current balance from voice mailbox. |
Allow to Place an Outgoing Call |
Select this check box to allow end users to make outgoing calls from voice mailbox. |
Announce Credit Limit |
If enabled, the balance announced to the end user will be followed by an announcement of the credit limit. This allows you to separate cases where credit limits are assigned only as a precaution (and so the end user should not really know about them) from cases where they are an integral part of the service (e.g. loyal customers are rewarded with an increased credit limit the longer they stay with you). |
Credit Accounts Balance Announcement |
You can configure your IVR applications to announce the current balance for credit accounts in one of two modes:
Note that the third mode, Backward compatibility mode is enabled by default. It preserves the announcements exactly the way they worked in releases prior to MR35. |
No Trash Folder in IVR |
When selected, messages deleted via IVR will be deleted completely, regardless of self-care settings. |
Suppress Announcements |
When end users make outgoing calls from their voice mailboxes, the IVR will suppress IVR announcements and only play the dial tone. The IVR application permits only one attempt to enter the phone number. |
Play Notification |
Select this check box to play a notification during voicemail access when a mailbox is full. |
Extended Greetings Options Menu |
When selected, this allows end users to access the Extended Greetings Options voicemail menu and change their voicemail greetings. |
Brand Prompts |
IVR prompts can be customized per access number.
Specify the directory where the custom prompt files are located. The Media Server will look for the prompts in that folder first and if found – use them. Otherwise, it will use the default files.
For example, put customized English prompts under the directory
and specify “my_company” in this field. |
Access Code |
This allows you to apply a special rating to outgoing calls made by customers from their voice mailboxes.
For example, if an administrator specifies the VOICEMAIL access code in the application settings, then PortaBilling® will use a rating entry with this very access code from the account’s product to authorize outgoing calls from users’ voice mailboxes. |
Field | Description |
Minimum Duration, sec |
Specify the minimum length for a voice message in seconds. If the recorded voice message is shorter than or equal to the specified value then the message will be dropped. A zero value disables this check. |
Brand Prompts |
IVR prompts can be customized per access number.
Specify the directory where the custom prompt files are located. The Media Server will look for the prompts in that folder first and if found – use them. Otherwise, it will use the default files.
For example, put customized English prompts under the directory /porta_var/psmsc/customfiles/prompts/brands/my_company/enand specify “my_company” in this field. |
Record Timeout, sec |
Specify in seconds a default timeout for recording voicemail and greetings. |
Silence Detection |
If this check box is selected, then silence is detected during voicemail recording (G711 codecs only). |
Silence Seconds, sec |
Specify how many seconds of silence will result in canceling voicemail recording. |