Address Info tab

On the Address Info page you can define personal information about a customer. The information here depends on whether your customer is a residential user or a business.


Fill in the company name and address for a business customer or a first / middle / last name and address for a residential user.


PortaBilling® uses a company name or first and last names for invoices and communications (e.g. notifications about balance adjustments, etc.).


You can also add a customer contact (a person e.g. a CEO or their assistant, etc. who can be contacted in case of any issues) and contact information such as:



Contact – This is how the contact person is to be addressed in case of any issues (e.g. John, Mr. John, Mr. Doe, etc.). Type in the customer’s preferred name here. Be aware that the system automatically adds the customer’s first name here. Feel free to adjust it as your wish.

Phone – This is the company’s phone number or the phone number via which a contact person can be reached.

Fax – This is the phone number to which faxes can be sent.

Alt. Phone – The company’s other phone number or contact person’s phone number (e.g. mobile) to send SMS notifications.

Alt. Contact – This is another person who can be contacted if the first contact person is unreachable.

Email – This is the company’s / contact person’s email address to send email notifications.

Bcc – This means blind carbon copy. It allows you to send a copy of an email to one or more recipients without putting their name in the list of recipients. For example, let’s say that this is one of your VIP customers. You want all emails that are sent to this customer to also be sent to you for your records, however, you do not wish the customer to know that. Here you can add your email to this field.

Description – Use this field to add notes about the customer or their contact person(s).