Importing Numbers into the DID Inventory

To upload a DID file, in the DID Inventory Upload dialog box, specify the file location (you can use the Browse button to select a file in the explorer dialog box).  


Enable Update vendor costs for existing DIDs if you wish to modify the activation and / or periodic fees for the DIDs already in the inventory.


Click Upload.



Upon upload, the status of DIDs is Frozen. When they are frozen, they are stored in the DID inventory and are therefore unavailable for usage. To use DID numbers, perform one of the actions described in DID Inventory.


File Format for DID Upload

You can upload DID numbers from a .csv file. The structure of the .csv file should be as shown in the following table:


Field Mandatory Format Description

DID Number


Number or text

Phone number.

Vendor Batch



Name of the vendor batch this DID belongs to.

NOTE: The vendor batch must only be associated with vendors that have on-demand DID provisioning disabled.




Description of a particular DID number.

Activation Cost



A one-time cost paid to a vendor for the DID number activation.

Recurring Cost



A monthly amount charged by a vendor for the provisioned DID number.

Release Date



Must be earlier than the upload date and time

The date that this number was released from the customer it was previously assigned to




When a DID number is assigned to a customer or a reseller from this batch, no charges apply



Two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2);

“--“ for “Not Applicable”

The country that this number belongs to.




The area that this number belongs to.


NOTE: A. The field order is important! B. The first row in the file is skipped, since it usually contains column titles and not actual data.



When importing DID numbers, PortaBilling® first checks that the country and area names from the file match the ones in the database. Then, if a typo is detected or if a country / area is absent from the file, PortaBilling® tries to find the destination that matches the DID number.


If there is no match in the destination list, the system adds the DID number as is (without the country / area set). For example, since there is no 1205 destination in the system, PortaBilling® adds 120566612345 without a DID country and area.


Let’s consider different cases and see how they work:

The 1205 – USA – Alabama destination exists in the system. The file that you upload contains the 120566612345 DID number.


PortaBilling® processes this DID during upload and adds it to the inventory as follows:


So, when PortaBilling® detects that a DID’s location is missing in the file, it tries to add it, based on the destination match. Otherwise, it adds the DID number without a location.