The volume discount plans tool is used for making automatic price adjustments and allotments. It allows you to adjust prices depending on the volume of services consumed by customers, allocate a certain volume of free services and transfer a balance to a sub-wallet that has been designed for a particular type of service. These are the three main discount schemes:
For more details about all the discount schemes, please refer to the PortaBilling Administrator Guide.
To clone a discount plan, follow these steps:
On the Edit Discount Plan page, click the Clone button on the toolbar.
In the Clone Discount Plan dialog box, type a name for the cloned discount plan and select who will manage it – the administrator or one of the resellers.
Field | Description |
Plan Name |
The logical name of the volume discount plan. |
Currency |
Indicates which currency is used for billing calculations. All discounts in a plan are to be defined in this currency. A volume discount plan can only be assigned to customers, accounts and products that use the same currency. |
Managed By |
Apply Discounts To |
This options menu appears only if service pools are configured in PortaBilling®.
The following options are available:
Destination Group Set |
Discounts can be defined for individual groups (e.g. US&Canada, Asia, Western Europe) within this set. Once chosen for discount plan creation, the destination group set cannot be changed later on. |
Destination group lookup type |
This describes how PortaBilling® matches the charging and discount parameters and then applies the discounts. Matches are performed based on the destination within the rate against the prefix in the volume discount.
Description |
This is a short description of the volume discount plan. |
When you fill in all the required
fields, click the Save icon. After
a volume discount plan has been saved, the Discounts, Quotas and
Service Wallets tab becomes available.
Here you can define the discount rules within a volume discount plan. For instance, you may include 100 free monthly domestic SMSs, 1000 free monthly minutes to USA&Canada and a special offer of 15% off calls to India once the customer has used more than 200 minutes in calls.
To add a new discount rule to the plan, click
Add on the toolbar.
The General Info and Type sections are common for all volume discount plan schemes:
Field | Description |
General Info |
Service |
Choose a specific service (voice calls, messaging, data transfer, etc.) that this volume discount will apply to. You can bundle discounts for multiple services into the same volume discount plan. |
Destination Group |
This parameter defines a destination group (a list of prefixes) that will be used in a volume discount definition. Select a destination group from the list. |
Included Services / Destination Groups (available only for Service Pools) |
Indicates which services and destination groups are defined for this volume discount plan.
This field is read-only; service / destination group pairs are taken from the selected service pool configuration. |
Based On |
Select whether you will use thresholds based on the charged amount, or on consumed traffic:
For example, you can use thresholds based on the call cost (10% discount after more than $10 worth of calls) or on the call time (e.g. 10% discount after 200 minutes). NOTE: Let’s look at a situation in which a customer’s balance is $10.00 (and the volume discount counter is also $10.00). The customer makes a 30-minute call, and the tariff rate is $0.20/min. The call is charged as 30 * 0.20 – 10% = $5.40, and this value is stored in the CDR for the call. Thus the customer’s balance will be modified by $5.40, to become 15.40. At the same time, the volume discount counter will go up by the amount without the discount because the discount applies to a standard rate. Thus the counter will go up by $6, to become $16.00. |
Type |
Select a type of discount to be provided:
NOTE: Once a discount is selected and saved, its type cannot be changed. |
The other information on the tab differs depending on what was selected for Type.
Field | Description |
Details |
Tax Transaction Code |
The predefined list of transaction codes by which taxes are calculated. Available for EZTax, Avalara, Sure Tax and GST taxation methods. |
When service wallet is empty (only for the Internet Access service type) |
Configure the service restrictions when the service wallet is empty:
Service wallet balance expires |
Select whether your service wallet will have a lifetime:
NOTE: Service wallets with an initial balance do not have an initial expiration date. Their lifetime starts with the first top up. |
Zero initial Balance |
This option makes it possible to divide a customer’s balance into virtual sub-wallets. Each sub-wallet is designated for a specific service and destination group. Therefore, money transferred to a sub-wallet can only be used for a specific service (e.g. only for calls to the US or only for sending SMSs, etc.). |
Initial Balance |
Use this scheme to grant specific service quotas to your customers for one time only. For example, grant your IPTV customers 1 GB of Internet usage as a promotional offer, free of charge.
Specify the volume of traffic or the cash value (depending on the threshold type) in the field below. |
Topup Service Wallet |
Here you define the top-up options that will be available via the administrator, customer or account self-care interfaces.
Click on the Add icon to add a new row. Click on the Delete icon to delete the current record. |
Additional Info |
Wallet-to-Wallet transfers allowed |
Select the check box to enable end users to share airtime from their service wallets. |
Notify end user when the service wallet balance drops below ... |
This option allows you to define a notification threshold. When this threshold is reached, email or SMS notification is sent to your customers informing them that their service wallet balances are lower than the threshold. |
Notify end user when the service wallet is empty |
When this option is selected, email or SMS notification is sent to your customers informing them that their service wallets are empty and they can no longer use the allocated service until they top them up. |
Notify end user …. days in advance that the service wallet expires |
To encourage customers to make timely top ups, enable the option to send advance email notification that their services will soon expire.
This option is available only if the Service wallet balance expires option is set to Yes. |
Notify end user when the service wallet expires |
When this option is selected, email notification is sent to your customers informing them that their service wallets are expired.
This option is available only if the Service wallet balance expires option is set to Yes. |
Field | Description |
Details |
Reset Threshold Counters |
This option allows you to define how a quota will be applied.
If you select Daily, Weekly, Twice monthly or Monthly, then the quota counters reset accordingly. For example, you can provide a triple-play package that includes quotas such as 1000 minutes for domestic calls, 1 GB of Internet traffic and 150 domestic SMS – for a monthly subscription fee of $40. Once the quota is consumed, the service is unavailable until the following month. |
Off-Peak periods |
Select one of the options to define a different set of thresholds for peak and off-peak period(s). |
Spending Quota |
Peak Spending Quota |
These options are only available if either the Separate one Off-Peak Period or Separate two Off-Peak Periods option is selected in the Off-Peak Periods list.
Off-Peak Spending Quota / Second Off-Peak Spending Quota |
These options are only available if the Separate two Off-Peak Periods option is selected in the Off-Peak Periods list.
Usage is ... when quota is exhausted (only for the Internet Access service type) |
These restrictions apply to a service when the quota is exhausted. Select one from among the three restriction modes:
NOTE: When either Limit Usage or Block Usage are selected, quotas that have lower priorities will not be applied. |
Additional Info |
Allow unused units transfer |
The transfer is performed only via the API.
Turn on the toggle to enable end users to transfer airtime among their quotas and service wallets in such forms as GB, minutes, SMSs or money.
To allow airtime exchanges, enable this option within the quota / service wallet both for the sender and the recipient. Note that the measured volume of service wallets / quotas must be identical (e.g. GB, minutes and money). |
Prorate thresholds for first usage period |
This prorates the quota thresholds according to the number of days remaining in the first usage period after the volume discount plan assignment.
For example, a volume discount plan is created with a 1000-minute quota, and a regular rate is applied after that. If a customer has a monthly usage period and the volume discount plan is assigned on October 20th, then the threshold becomes 367 minutes since there are 11 days remaining in October. For the following month the threshold becomes 1000 minutes. |
Rollover unused minutes to the next usage period |
If at the end of the usage period (e.g. at the end of the month), there is unused traffic left (i.e. minutes, Internet traffic, messages, etc.), it can be rolled over to the next usage period.
For example, a customer has signed up for 100 monthly bundled minutes of free calls to Canada. By the end of the month, only 90 minutes have been used. The 10 minutes that remain are rolled over to the next month, so during the next month, the customer will have available 110 free minutes.
Please note that if you change the customer’s volume discount plan (e.g. change an add-on product), then the unused minutes will transfer only if the new volume discount plan has the same discount entry (for more details see the Change of Volume Discount Plans for Customer / Account chapter in the PortaBilling Administrator Guide). |
Allow no more than: … rollover(s) |
The maximum number of usage periods that unused traffic can be rolled over.
For example, if the usage period is monthly and you select 2, the unused traffic from the first month will be rolled over to the second month and if not used completely, to the third month (2 rollovers). If unused traffic is not completely used by the end of the third month, it expires.
Note that if unused traffic from two or more usage periods is rolled over to the next one, the quota with the earliest expiration time is used first. |
Split xDRs |
When a session spans several rating periods (e.g. covers both peak and off-peak periods), it is divided into portions.
Select the Split xDRs check box and then multiple xDR records will be produced for sessions like this one. Each xDR record will be linked to the applicable discount level / rate. |
Notify end user when … are left in the peak period |
This option allows you to define a notification threshold for a peak period. When the threshold is reached, an email or SMS notification is sent to your customers informing them about their remaining volume of services / funds. |
Notify end user when … are left in the peak period |
This option is only available if either the Separate one Off-Peak Period or Separate two Off-Peak Periods option is selected in the Off-Peak Periods list.
This option allows you to define a notification threshold for an off-peak period. When the threshold is reached, an email or SMS notification is sent to your customers informing them about their remaining volume of services / funds. |
Notify end user when … are left in the peak period |
This option is only available if the Separate two Off-Peak Periods option is selected in the Off-Peak Periods list.
This option allows you to define a notification threshold for a 2nd off-peak period. When the threshold is reached, an email or SMS notification is sent to your customers informing them about their remaining volume of services / funds. |
Notify end user when quota is exhausted |
When this option is selected, an email or SMS notification is sent to your customers informing them that their quota has been exhausted. |
Field | Description |
Details |
Reset Threshold Counters |
This option allows you to define how a discount will be applied.
If you select Daily, Weekly, Semimonthly or Monthly, then the discount counters reset each day, week, half a month or month, respectively. For example, provide a monthly deal of the first 100 minutes for calls to the UK at a standard rate and all following calls to this destination at a 30% discount. When the next usage period begins, the customer’s calls to the UK are charged the standard rate.
Select One Time discount to provide a permanent discount with no time limitation. For example, provide a rate that is 10% cheaper for a wholesale partner. |
Off-Peak periods |
Select one of the options to define a different set of thresholds for peak and off-peak period(s). |
Additional Info |
Prorate thresholds for first usage period |
This prorates volume discount thresholds according to the number of days remaining in the first usage period after the volume discount plan assignment.
For example, a volume discount plan is created with a 100% discount for up to 1000 minutes, and a regular rate is applied after that. If a customer has a monthly usage period and the volume discount plan is assigned on October 20th, then the threshold becomes 367 minutes since there are 11 days remaining in October. For the following month the threshold becomes 1000 minutes. |
Combine with Other Discounts |
Select a mode to combine this discount with other discounts. NOTE: To see more examples about how to use these combining modes, please refer to the Modes for Combining Discounts chapter in the PortaBilling Administrator Guide.
When you fill in all the required fields, click the Save button, and the Discount dialog box opens.
In the Discount dialog box you can define threshold values and corresponding discount values for peak and off-peak periods.
A threshold defines the maximum counter value (call duration or charged amount) within which the current discount may still be applied. If the last available discount is to be applied regardless of the counter value (e.g. first 200 minutes – normal rate, up to 500 minutes – 10% discount, and 20% discount after that) then this last discount will be created with a special “unlimited” threshold.
Field | Description |
Threshold |
First… (or Following …) |
Type a threshold value here. The threshold value is measured either in currency units or time units (minutes), according to the type of discount. The value entered must be numeric (with a period allowed) and greater than zero. |
Unlimited service |
Select this option to provide a special unlimited value for the threshold. |
Discount |
% |
Type a percentage discount here. The percentage discount value must be numeric (with a period allowed) and less than 100. A 0% discount means that standard rate will be applied. |
100% (Free Service) |
Select the 100% (Free Service) check box, to provide the service free of charge. |
Notifications |
Notify Customer / End User when … minute(s) |
This option allows you to define a notification threshold. When this threshold is reached, an email or SMS notification is sent to your customers informing them that the volume of services consumed is approaching the discount threshold. |
Notify Customer / End User when Threshold reached |
When this option is selected, an email or SMS notification is sent to your customers informing them that the discount threshold has been crossed and the discount no longer applies. |
Additional Info |
Split xDRs |
When a session spans several rating periods (e.g. covers both peak and off-peak periods) it is divided into portions. Select the Split xDRs check box and then multiple xDR records will be produced for sessions like this one. Each xDR record will be linked to the applicable discount level / rate. |
This tab is only available if the Separate one Off-peak Period option is selected in the Off-Peak periods list. Here you can define a discount for the off-peak period. The mode of doing that is similar to that for Discount Scheme, as described above.
This tab is only available if the Separate two Off-peak Periods option is selected in the Off-Peak periods list. Here you can define a discount for the second off-peak period. The mode of doing that is similar to that for Discount Scheme, as described above.
The billing engine decides which discount is to be applied, depending on whether the counter for the given destination has reached one of the defined thresholds. Note that the “charged amount” counters record charges as they are defined in the tariff, i.e. before a volume discount is applied. If there is no “Unlimited” threshold discount, and the counter exceeds the last (i.e. biggest) threshold, any further calls will be billed according to the standard tariff rate.
For example:
Discount type – Volume, minutes
The discount is defined as 0..100 – 50%; 100..200 – 20%; 200..unlimited – 10%
The first 100 minutes are billed at a 50% discount (half the price specified in the tariff), the next 100 minutes are billed at a 20% discount, and thereafter all calls receive a 10% discount.
The discount is defined as 0..100 – 100%
The first 100 minutes are free; all minutes above that are billed at the tariff rate.
Discount type – Amount, USD
The discount is defined as 0..10 – 0%; 10..20 – 10%; 20..unlimited – 20%
When the customer begins making calls, each call is charged according to the normal rate until the total charged amount exceeds $10. After that, the customer is given a 10% discount on calls. When the total charged amount exceeds $20, all calls receive a 20% discount.
NOTE: Let’s look at a situation in which a customer’s balance is $10.00 (and the volume discount counter is also $10.00). The customer makes a 30-minute call, and the tariff rate is $0.20/min. The call is charged as 30 * 0.20 – 10% = $5.40, and this value is stored in the CDR for the call. Thus the customer’s balance will be modified by $5.40, to become 15.40. At the same time, the volume discount counter will go up by the amount without the discount. Thus the counter will go up by $6, to become $16.00.