The distributor model is designed to expand sales activities by involving extra agents and enlarging the point-of-sale network without incurring significant costs and risks.
The initial Distributor Management page shows the direct distributors.
Use search filters to display the entire distributor network.
Search – This function filters by name and contact details. When you enter a value in the search field, all distributors who have the search string in their name, company name, first / last name or contact info (e.g. state, city, country, zip code, phone, email, login) will be displayed.
Advanced Search – This function allows you to specify complex search conditions.
To add a new distributor, click
on the toolbar.
The following are associated with a distributor:
The Add Distributor page allows you to define a new client entity within PortaBilling®. The information on the top of the form and for the Default Sale Commission and Default Payment Commission fields on the Additional Info tab is mandatory. Information on all the other tabs is optional, and need not be provided when creating the distributor.
Field | Description |
Customer ID |
Defines the distributor name as it will appear in the PortaBilling® system. This is distinct from the Company Name field in the Address Info tab. |
Blocked |
Blocks all accounts of this distributor. |
Currency |
The currency must be specified by selecting it from the drop-down list of available currencies. Once saved, the currency cannot be changed. |
Current Credit Limit |
If this field is left empty, there is no credit limit defined for this distributor; we strongly recommend entering a value here. This helps to avoid a situation where the distributor would activate too many accounts without first submitting payment for accounts already activated, and thus limits the ITSP’s risk of loss in case the distributor goes out of business. |
Customer Class |
The customer class assigned to this distributor. In order to change any parameters of the particular customer class, click on the link Customer Class. When adding a distributor, be aware that if you select a class with a defined currency, the field Currency will show the corresponding value and this cannot be modified; if the class without a predefined currency is selected, then a list of currencies will be available. When editing the distributor, the field Customer Class will only contain classes with the same currency, or classes with no defined currency. |
Balance Adjustment |
Click this button to correct a distributor’s balance. See the Balance Adjustments page for how to do this. |
The Edit Distributor page allows you to change distributors details. Some fields are read-only.
The following tabs can be available depending on the configuration (click the required tab link to see a description):
The procedure for adding a subdistributor is similar to the Add a New Distributor procedure described above.
The only limitation here is that a distributor and all of their subdistributors always share the same currency.
Field | Description |
Customer ID |
Defines the subdistributor name as it will appear in the PortaBilling® system. This is distinct from the Company Name field in the Address Info tab. |
Currency |
The currency is the same as yours. |
Current Credit Limit |
If this field is left empty, there is no credit limit defined for this distributor; we strongly recommend entering a value here. This helps to avoid a situation where the distributor would activate too many accounts without first submitting payment for accounts already activated, and thus limits the ITSP’s risk of loss in case the distributor goes out of business. |
Customer Class |
The customer class assigned to this distributor. In order to change any parameters of the particular customer class, click on the link Customer Class. When adding a distributor, be aware that if you select a class with a defined currency, the field Currency will show the corresponding value and this cannot be modified; if the class without a predefined currency is selected, then a list of currencies will be available. When editing the distributor, the field Customer Class will only contain classes with the same currency, or classes with no defined currency. |