On this tab you can define your preferred payment method and configure auto payments.
To set a preferred payment method:
Select the New Payment Method
Select one of the payment method options:
American Express
Bank account (eCheck)
Direct Debit NL
Specify all the required payment data
Click Save.
The number of available payment options may change, depending on the payment system settings. Options appear on the list only when there is a payment system configured to use them. This system must also be configured to maintain payments in the customer’s currency.
To remove a preferred payment method, select Not Set from the Preferred Payment Method list, and then click Save.
NOTE: The payment data remains in the database until it is explicitly removed or replaced with new payment data. For example, if you have saved the your payment data and then reconfigured PortaBilling® to use the other payment system – the one that doesn’t support the saved payment method, you will still be able to review stored payment information under this tab’s Saved Payment Method.