Invoices & Taxation tab

On the Invoices & Taxation tab you can define the following:


Field Description

Tax ID

Customer’s tax ID.

Taxation Method

  • No Taxation – Select this option if the customer is exempt from taxation.
  • Tax Included in the Rate – Select this method when the rates from the customer’s tariff include all required taxes. This method is ideal for prepaid services. Since every xDR produced contains a tax amount, charges and taxes are debited from the customer’s balance immediately after the service is rendered. This is also convenient for European countries, where customers are used to seeing all prices as “final.”
  • EZtax (US, Canada) – Select this method to use the EZtax plug-in. EZtax is a software vendor that has US tax information in their library, in conjunction with PortaBilling. This ensures that proper tax calculation is applied to American and Canadian customers.
  • SureTax (US, Canada) – Select this method to tax voice call services and subscriptions in the US and Canada. SureTax is another taxation system that allows you to accurately and easily calculate taxes for your US and Canadian customers.
  • Fixed VAT Rate – Select this method when you need to specify a certain percentage of value-added tax.
  • Custom taxation – This taxation plug-in is similar to VAT, but allows you to specify more than one tax and rate.

    NOTE: This option is only visible if at least one custom tax is defined on the Custom Taxes page.

  • GST (Malaysia) – This plug-in handles the goods and services tax (GST) that was implemented in Malaysia in April 2015.

NOTE: If you defined the invoicing and taxation configuration via a customer class and then override a taxation plugin for an individual customer, PortaBilling® clears the Regular invoice and Out of turn invoice template settings to avoid configuration mismatches. For example, when you change a taxation plug-in from SureTax to Fixed VAT Rate for a customer, the Regular invoice template value changes from As defined by the Customer Class to Do Not Create Invoice. To resume invoice generation, assign the invoice template that is compatible with new taxation plugin to the customer.

Send Statistics via email

Defines what kind of xDR statistics should be delivered to the customer by email after the billing period is closed:

  • As defined by the Customer Class – Use the settings for the customer class.
  • Full Statistics – Send a .csv file with a complete list of xDRs.
  • Summary Only – Do not send a full list of xDRs, only a brief summary
  • Do Not Send – This option prevents the delivery of event statistics to the customer via email.

Note that these options only affect the delivery of xDR files by email. The actual statistics files will always be generated and accessible for download from the administrator interface or customer self-care interface.

Generate Invoice PDF

  • As defined by the Customer Class – With this option enabled, PortaBilling® uses the settings defined for the customer class.

  • At the end of the billing period – With this option enabled, PortaBilling® processes the customer’s xDRs, applies charges (e.g. subscriptions, fees, etc.), creates a regular invoice and generates a .pdf file at the end of the billing period.

  • Postponed, based on resource availability – With this option enabled, PortaBilling® creates a regular invoice and charges a customer’s credit card immediately. PortaBilling® begins to generate the .pdf files only once the calculations related to the previous billing period (e.g. xDR processing, statistics) for all customers have been completed.

  • On demand – With this option enabled, PortaBilling® makes all calculations for the customer, creates their regular invoices and saves them to a database. These invoices are then accessible via API. However, the .pdf file will not be generated unless explicitly requested.

Regular Invoice Template

Defines the regular invoice template for this customer.

  • Select As defined by the Customer Class in order to apply the regular invoice template defined for this class, and so avoid defining an invoice template for each customer specifically.
  • Select Do Not Create Invoice to disable regular invoice generation for this customer.
  • Choose the required invoice template from the list.

See the Templates section for more information.

Out-of-Turn  Invoice Template

Defines the out-of-turn invoice template for this customer.

  • Choose As defined by the Customer Class in order to apply the out-of-turn invoice template defined for this class, and so avoid defining an invoice template for each customer specifically.
  • Choose Do Not Create Invoice to disable out-of-turn invoice generation for this customer.
  • Select the required invoice template from the list.

Send Regular Invoices

Defines whether new regular  invoices should be delivered to the customer by email.

  • As defined by the Customer Class – Use the settings defined for the customer class.
  • Yes – Send regular invoices by email.
  • No – Do not send regular invoices by email.

See the Templates section for more information

Send Out-of-Turn  Invoices

Defines whether out-of-turn invoices should be delivered to the customer by email.

  • As defined by the Customer Class – Use the settings defined for the customer class.

  • Yes – Send out-of-turn invoices by email.

  • No – Do not send out-of-turn invoices by email.

Invoice Number Sequence

Select an invoice number sequence that will be used for this customer:

  • Default – The default numbering sequence will be selected for this customer’s invoices.
  • Individual for Environment – This customer’s invoices will have globally sequenced invoice numbering (throughout the environment).
  • Individual for Customer – This customer’s invoices will have their own sequential numbering.


Other option on this tab depend on the selected tax method and are described in the following subsections.

EZtax (US, Canada)



Field Description


This field is used to specify the type of customer involved in the transaction:

  • Default – Select this to apply customer class settings.
  • Business – Select this when a customer pays taxes as a legal entity.
  • Residential – Select this when a customer pays taxes as a private individual.

Incorporated City Area

This is used to specify whether a customer is inside or outside of an incorporated area that is designated as their location.

  • Default – Select this to apply customer class settings.
  • Inside – The customer is inside of an incorporated area designated as their location.
  • Outside – The customer is outside of an incorporated area designated as their location.

NOTE: Inner city tax jurisdictions are often based on postal code groupings. EZtax offers a service to define the correct US Post Office postal code using the customer's entire address.

Taxation Mode

This defines the taxation mode that helps apply relevant taxes for wide scale service.

  • Non-switched – Taxation is applied based on the number of lines the customer uses.
  • Switched – Taxation is applied based on the number of trunks, extensions and outbound channels that the customer uses. All of them may work in conjunction.

Exempt From

This designates which jurisdictional level of taxes are not applied to the customer:

  • Federal Taxes – Taxes at the federal level are not applied.
  • State Taxes – Taxes at the state level are not applied.
  • CountyTaxes – Taxes at the county level are not applied.
  • Local Taxes – Taxes at the local level are not applied.



SureTax (US, Canada)





Sales Type

This field is used to specify the type of customer involved in the transaction:

  • As defined by the Customer Class – Select this to apply customer class settings.
  • Business – Select this when a customer pays taxes as a legal entity.
  • Industrial – Select this when transactions are made at an industrial business.
  • Lifeline – Select this when transactions are made by a customer granted a subsidy.
  • Residential – Select this when a customer pays taxes as a private individual.

Summary Type

  • Default – Select this to apply customer class settings.
  • No Summary – Select this to separately display federal, state and local taxes.
  • Summary by Federal, State and Local Taxes – Select this to display federal, state and local taxes summarized.

Decimal Digits

Define number of decimal digits for rounding the taxes.

Tax Exemption

Click the Choose tax exemption button and in the dialog box select particular service categories to relieve a customer from taxes related to them.



Fixed VAT Rate



Field Description

Apply taxes at the moment of payment (for prepaid customers and debit account only)

With this option selected, the taxes for services will be calculated and applied to prepaid customers based on the tax rate and the top up amount. The total sum of payment will be increased by the calculated tax amount (e.g. a user enters a $10 payment to top up the balance. The system calculates the taxes and adds them to the entered amount, increasing the sum total. The user is provided with full payment information: the entered amount, the tax amount and the sum total.)

Upon payment processing, the customer’s balance is increased by the actual amount ($10), excluding taxes.

Exempt From Tax

This defines whether customer is relieved from taxes:

  • Default – Select this to apply customer class settings.
  • Yes – Select this if the customer is not obliged to pay this tax.
  • No – Select this to enable the usage of the Fixed VAT Rate taxation method.

VAT percentage

Specify a certain percentage of value-added tax.

Tax xDR Per Service

Select this check box to produce tax xDRs for each service separately. 



Custom taxation



Field Description

Apply taxes at the moment of payment (for prepaid customers and debit account only)

With this option selected, the taxes for services will be calculated and applied to prepaid customers based on the tax rate and the top up amount. The total sum of payment will be increased by the calculated tax amount (e.g. a user enters a $10 payment to top up the balance. The system calculates the taxes and adds them to the entered amount, increasing the sum total. The user is provided with full payment information: the entered amount, the tax amount and the sum total.)

Upon payment processing, the customer’s balance is increased by the actual amount ($10), excluding taxes.


Select the check box to apply the tax listed in this row.

NOTE: You can adjust custom tax rates on the Custom taxation page of the main menu.


The descriptive name of the tax in the system (will be present in xDRs and in taxation configuration).

Tax rate (%)

A percentage value for this tax.

Applied to

This field shows which services this tax is applied to.

Here select one of the available options:

  • Usage Charges Only – All charges except for subscriptions and credits / adjustments.
  • All Charges – Applied to all charges including subscriptions and credits / adjustments.
  • All Recurring Charges – Applied only to subscriptions.



GST (Malaysia)



Field Description

Relief Certificate

By default, the GST plug-in applies a 6% goods and services tax. If you have a relief certificate code that applies 0% tax for goods, specify the code in this field.

Expiration Date

Indicate when the relief certificate expires.


Select the goods that fall under the relief certificate with 0% tax.